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这种反感是相互的。The antipathy is mutual.

家长对教师角色行为变化的为难。Parents' antipathy on the change of teachers'role.

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他们两人之间潜伏着一股反感的暗流。There was an undercurrent of antipathy between them.

然而,中国政府却没有这种反感。China's government, however, does not share this antipathy.

这种对于新思想的憎恶之心往往往被称为反精英主义。This antipathy to ideas is often expressed as anti-elitism.

一个关于极度憎恶的故事约翰·克拉弗豪斯是位有着圆月般脸庞的男人。Story of Mortal Antipathy John Claverhouse was a moon-faced man.

即便是在像纳米比亚这样通常比较平静的地方,反感也在潜滋暗长。Even in normally calm places like Namibia, antipathy is stirring.

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时俊为解两镇宿怨,毅然答应。Million Shijun for solutions, resolutely promised two town antipathy.

任何行动都注定只能增加对所谓‘邪恶西方’的憎恨。Any action is bound to merely increase antipathy against the 'Satanic west'.

一个叛逆的德国选民愈发带着反感的情绪看待紧急救助。A rebellious German electorate views the idea of bailouts with increasing antipathy.

这一新的议程延续了英国挑刺儿的时代精神和对政客的不屑。It goes with the grain of Britain’s ornery zeitgeist, with its antipathy to politicians.

但是新加坡的一个绝不可改变的政策就是对公共福利的排斥。But one policy that shows no sign of reversing is Singapore’s antipathy towards public welfare.

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而我们的厌恶之情却透露出半个世纪以来人们对公路态度的变迁。Our antipathy to the M25 reveals much about shifting attitudes to roads over the last half-century.

从历史上看,中国与好莱坞的关系一直充满了怀疑和反感。Historically, China's relationship with Hollywood has been characterized by skepticism and antipathy.

中国对日本的反感早就有了,但是日本绝对没有侵略满洲的行为。Chinese public antipathy against Japan was existing long before. But Japan have never aggressed China.

正如此专栏多年指出的那样,亚洲人对他们的邻居怀有无比强烈的反感。As this column has pointed out for years, Asians harbor remarkably intense antipathy for their neighbors.

一些冷战后冲突和争端是由宗教不容忍行为和厌恶情绪所造成的。Some of the post-cold war conflicts and disputes have been caused by religious intolerance and antipathy.

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孩子的行为和父母自身对问题的处理不当都会让父母产生反感。There is too much antipathy toward the child’s behavior and toward oneself for not handling things better.

不出意料,他表示自己对纽卡以及纽卡前任主席谢泼德并不反感。Typically, he maintains he has no antipathy towards his former club, or its former chairman Freddy Shepherd.

格雷森先生对美联储的反感是政治上民粹主义左派和右派复苏的部分表现。Mr Grayson's antipathy towards the Fed is part of a resurgence of political populism on both the left and the right.