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由于孔深。Due to hole depth.

它是感觉的深度。It’s depth of feeling.

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分析不够透彻。The analysis lacks depth.

所谓战略纵深也就这么多。So much for strategic depth.

一切深度会回到你的生活。A depth returns to your lide.

打孔深度可以调节。Holing depth can be regulated.

这河有多深?What's the depth of the river?

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他处于绝望的深渊。He was in the depth of despair.

这个问题我没同他深谈。He was in the depth of despair.

它的深度是你我无法估量。Its depth beyond both you and I.

心得深度浅了?The depth of heart is shallowed?

是穿过黑暗的迷宫般的深处。Through what mazy depth of gloom.

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全自动压痕深浅系统。Auto creasing depth control system.

⊙、山不厌高,水不厌深。Can get high mountain, water depth.

他觉察到了她深切的痛苦。He perceived the depth of her pain.

它是深渊对峰巅的呼唤It is a depth calling unto a height

他们堕入了罪恶的深渊。They are sunk in the depth of vice.

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在这五英里深度以下会是些什么呢?What is below this five-mile depth?

背部着地滑行,以降低被埋深度。Backstroke to decrease burial depth.

她最近的那首诗极有深度。Her latest poem has remarkable depth.