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在她的病床上。In her sickbed.

我在他病床旁边守了好几夜。I watched beside his sickbed for several nights.

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迈克尔走下病床去招待客人。Michael left his sickbed to entertain his house guests.

手术后两天,L弟兄与H弟兄出现在我的病榻前。Brother L and H were in front of me at my sickbed that afternoon.

目的研究家庭病床科对糖尿病病人的管理。Objective To study the management of diabetic patients in home sickbed.

结果制成便于床位工作评价的质控图。Results The quality control chart was made for estimating sickbed work.

倘若我们进入病房去关怀,也可以看到病床边铁鍊累累。When we comfort the patient, we can see many chains beside the sickbed.

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这个躺在病床上的孩子名叫涛涛,临床的是他的母亲。This child that lies on sickbed is called Tao Tao, clinical is his mother.

我是一个普通的中国妇女,现在躺在病床上流着眼泪给您写信。I'm an ordinary Chinese woman writing you this letter in tears on my sickbed.

母亲病床不远处有另一道门通向狭窄的阳台。Nearby mother's sickbed there was another door leading to the narrow veranda.

韩非子坐在她妻子的病床旁,光木地板上的莲座里。Han Fei-tzu sat in lotus position on the bare wooden floor beside his wife's sickbed.

我的第一印象就是她一直得病,常常在病床上。My first impression of her was that she had been in bad health, often lying in sickbed.

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修民久卧病榻产生心病,他开始故意对大华发脾气。Take people long on the sickbed have heart disease, he began to deliberately HUAFA temper.

目的探讨床位包干制管理在临床护理中应用的效果。Objective To investigate the effect of the application of sickbed capitation in clinical attendance.

目的探讨应用病床利用指数对床位工作进行评价。Objective In order to study the use of the index of sickbed utilization in assessment of sickbed work.

当我躺在病床上时,我已经读过了魏玛共和国和第三帝国的历史。I had already done the reading about the Weimar Republic and the Third Reich while I was in my sickbed.

当检测到病员呼叫时,控制器指示灯常亮并发出报警声。Controller's indicator is normal on and send out alarm signal when detecting patient on sickbed calling.

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“可选性”和“即时检测性”都表明检测在体外进行,病床边展开。"Preparability" and"bedside testability "all show that testing conducted outside the body and beside the sickbed.

他以惊人的毅力和病魔斗争,在病榻上创作了这部不朽的小说。But, he utilized his amazing willpower, struggling against the serious illness, creating this immortal novel in his sickbed.

改良型便盆升降装置,应用在带有方便孔的病床上。The utility model provides an improved bedpan lifting device, which is used for the sickbed with a hole for relieving oneself.