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国小六年级学童有较高的偶像崇拜倾向。Sixth grade students showed higher idol glorification tendency.

由此,最后的结果,是上帝得到荣耀。Thereby, the ultimate result would be the glorification of God.

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这才是,上帝的荣耀所在。It's precisely at that moment that Christ's glorification begins.

在这个世界里充满了对爱、美和生命的赞颂。That world is filled with the glorification of love, beauty and life.

很多人将这归咎于乐队对自杀行为的刻意美化。Many blamed Hannah’s death on the band's apparent glorification of suicide.

就是这样,我希望引领你们前赴至圣圣三的光荣中。It is in this way I desire to lead you to glorification of the Most Holy Trinity.

身体是真正的监狱。对它实在没有什么可赞颂的。The body is a real jail. There's nothing about this body that needs glorification.

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这些游戏的主要问题是“赞美黑社会生活。”The games in question would be those that "promote the glorification of mafia life."

从它的广义来看,拯救包括重生、成圣及荣耀。In its broadest sense salvation includes regeneration, sanctification, and glorification.

其主题是对园艺的赞颂,以及对农艺感到兴奋。The dominant idea was to be the glorification of horticulture and the exaltation of agriculture.

因为对所有的信徒来说,那确定和保证的命运是荣耀的福分。For the destiny that is certain and secured for all of the elect is the blessing of glorification.

救恩是末世性的,由于它讲到从审判中被拯救,进入最后的荣耀里。Salvation is eschatological inasmuch as it entails deliverance from judgment to final glorification.

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得荣耀是救恩的高峰,更是蒙恩的人最终和最蒙福的所在。D. Glorification is the culmination of salvation and is the final blessed and abiding state of the redeemed.

人体模特对于西方艺术的发展非常重要,如果没有他们,艺术家是不可能把人身体的美丽展现在画上。Life-modelling has always been crucial for western art, which is all about the glorification of the human body.

先验哲学论者对平凡人之颂扬的一部分作法,是发起对商业领袖的攻击。As part of the general glorification of the common man, Transcendentalists launched an attack on business leaders.

这所有赞颂与诅咒的起始之声,从大神口中发出时,菩萨心中感到了一种深刻的震荡。When the origin sound of all the glorification or execrative issued from the manito, Bodhisattva felt heavy shock.

他们参加集团的目的就是为了耀武扬威和发展私人利益。They had all joined the Band with the same objects, self- glorification and advancement of their private interests.

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朝鲜国内广播有意对其核试验进行赞颂,借此来召集普通民众加入国家事务。The glorification of North Korea's nuclear bombs by domestic broadcasters is designed to rally ordinary people to a national cause.

但是他们笔下的中国,不管是作为被丑化的对象还是被赞美的对象,总是根据西方人自身的需要,而并非中国的实际来描写的。In their works China, whether as an object of glorification or vilification, is not depicted as it is but as meets the needs of westerners.

阿达婆吠陀包含了来自好幻想的诗人的第一类诗集,很多都是赞颂草药和水的治疗力量。Atharvaveda contains first class poetry coming from visionary poets, much of it being glorification of the curative powers of herbs and waters.