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销售部。Sales Division.

他军队被数的,共有57,400名.His division numbers 57,400.

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这是整数的除法。It's doing integer division.

我们要团结,不要分裂。We want unity, not division.

秋天是极好的节令。Autumn is a admirable division.

但你看着他们之间的分裂。But you saw them among division.

好吧,我要调动我的步兵师。I'm moving my infantry division.

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这个师是英国的一支精锐部队。This is a crack British division.

分裂的提示未被允许。No hint of a division was allowed.

皇家宠物食品公司是玛氏旗下的品牌。Royal Canin is a division of Mars.

大豆害虫,螟蛾科。Soybean pests, pest moth division.

斯沃斯莫尔只在三级队伍里比赛。Swarthmore competes in Division 3.

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是继承纠纷还是析产纠纷?。Dispute of Inheritance or Division?

火箭部队的控制中心。The rocket division control center.

王师北欣然容许。King division north readily allowed.

是继承纠纷还是析产纠纷?。A Dispute of Inheritance or Division?

挂科的结果很严重。Hanged division results very serious.

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货位的划分方法。The division method of storage space.

关于膝盖骨科专辑进!Enter about patellar division special!

劳驾,请问这是人事部吗?Excuse me, is this personnel division ?