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转舵背风!Luff the helm!

在一面主帆上,帆前缘被连接到桅杆上。On a mainsail, the luff attaches to the mast.

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风太大了,我们得抢风行驶。The wind is too strong, we shall have to luff up.

彼得拉夫手机,在商务和企业委员会主席说,能源市场是“不正常”。Peter Luff MP, chairman of the Business and Enterprise Committee, said energy markets were "not working properly".

论述的新型四连杆变幅机构独有的后摇杆驱动、臂架活动范围大、外观和几何形态特别等特点。Based on the inverse design principle, kinematics analysis of the new double-link luff mechanism with back-rocker driving is made in this paper.

瞭望的人全都到船头去看那座岛屿什么时候出现,而舵手也正一面注视着船帆的动静,一面轻轻地吹着口哨。The watch was all forward looking out for the island. The man at the helm was watching the luff of the sail, and whistling away gently to himself.

之前巴拉克和领队比埃霍夫唇枪舌剑,抛开教练自己组织球员开会,勒夫都睁一只眼闭一只眼。Before Balac and group leader compare the Egyptian Hove violent debate, abandons trains to organize the player to hold a meeting, Luff turn a blind eye.

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巴拉克的这种做法招致德国足坛许多人的批评,国家队主教练勒夫也被这一番攻击搞的晕头转向。Balac this procedure incurs German Soccer world many person of criticisms, national sports team Head Coach Luff also being completely muddled which is done by this attack.

他省去了至少二关键保险装置,即防止风帆扭屈在风的顶锥和防止无法控制的下潜的逆风行驶线。He omitted at least two key safety devices, namely the nose cone which prevents the sail from deforming in the wind, and the luff lines which prevent uncontrollable dives.

传送时间由叠代减到最小技术被申请了于旋转在一个恒定的逆风行驶角度的景气起重机的一个被模仿的模型,当卷在缆绳时并且在酬载平衡位置附近线性化了。The technique was applied to a simulated model of a boom crane slewing at a constant luff angle while reeling in the cable and linearized around the payload equilibrium position.