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他曾帮助创作合唱交响曲。He helped to accouche choral symphony.

这是最好的合唱曲。This is choral music of the first water.

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唱诗班的晚祷声仍然在空中回荡。Choral evensong still wafts across the ether.

对于儿童的合唱团你常常会发现有多个教会合唱团的助手长袍。For a children's choral group you often find acolyte robes.

他的新作品,组合了交响乐、合唱与歌剧的各种成分。His new work combines symphonic choral and operatic elements.

诗歌国歌合唱节交替的陪同下与独奏。Verse anthems alternated choral sections with accompanied solos.

珍妮•格雷厄姆,伦敦和孙格兰乐评家,合唱指挥。Graham, London and Scottish Critic Adjudicator, Choral Conductor.

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小泽征尔将指挥波士顿乐团演奏贝多芬第九交响曲。A conductor, especially of an orchestra, a band, or a choral group.

奥地利是一个拥有悠久合唱传统的国家。Austria is a country with a rich and long-standing choral tradition.

为人声和钢琴而作的第2交响曲中的合唱曲缩编谱。Reduction of the choral score of Symphony No. 2, for voices and piano.

他还写了三首钢琴奏鸣曲和近两百五十首民谣歌曲。He also wrote three piano sonatas, choral music, and more than 250 lieder.

诗歌本均附合唱谱,钢琴伴奏及吉他和弦谱。Songbooks include choral arrangements, piano accompaniments, and guitar chords.

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这是一张照片,在日本社会抚顺的合唱的任务中。This is a photograph of the Fushun Choral Society at the Japanese Mission where Fr.

20世纪中国合唱创作的开山祖,当推萧友梅、赵元任两位。The founders of Chinese choral music in the 20th century were Xiao Youmei and Zhao Yuanren.

作曲系内容很多,除了专业作曲,还要修读钢琴、管风琴、合唱指挥、额我略音乐、音乐礼仪和拉丁文等。He also takes courses in piano, organ, choral conducting, Gregorian chant, liturgy and Latin.

孟德尔逊不止天才横溢,更是多产作家,而当中接近四分之一均为合唱作品。Mendelssohn was a child prodigy and prolific composer. Almost one-fourth of his works was choral.

圣诞节会在午夜以教堂钟鸣,华美的团体吟唱开始。Christmas day begins at midnight with churches ringing in the day with magnificent choral chanting.

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这是唯一的选择,以特色集结演唱多首歌曲,在国家利用最先进的双通道的CD声音。This was the only selection to feature massed choral music in state-of-the-art two-channel CD sound.

其成员广散于纽约及新泽西各地,均具丰富合唱经验。Its members reside and work in New Jersey and New York, possessing rich experience in choral singing.

往往有不同的合唱团合唱团合唱祭服或每制服。Churches with multiple choirs will often have different choral vestments or choral uniforms for each choir.