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如果你是美国总统,你不需要扩音器。And you don't need a megaphone when you're the U.S. President.

这个超音波驱猫器看上去像个扩音器,因为它的确是的。The Mega-Sonic Scatter-Cat Repeller looks like a megaphone because it actually is one.

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据估计,新的新华社的市值为数十亿美元,看起来就像是一只昂贵的扩音器。With a price tag estimated in the billions of dollars, the new Xinhua is an expensive megaphone.

周四的晚上,科比对着扩音器表明连里杰斯也不容质疑的夺冠决心。Thursday night, Bryant found a megaphone and delivered a final answer even Regis Philbin would not question.

单行道上的一名警察对着扩音器对着其中一个单位大喊“到西部去”。From the single-lane road, one police officer barked orders into a megaphone. "Go west, " he shouted to one unit.

社会新闻由最初简单的传声筒的功能,逐步向扩音器、新闻处理器的功能转换。Megaphone is the simplest function of social news in early period, gradually shifts to loudspeaker and news processor.

但是,就凭互联网交流的扩音器效应,我们其他人可能也需要在网络上保持缄默。But the rest of us probably need to muzzle it online, if only because of the megaphone effect of internet communications.

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扩音器于20世纪开始被广泛使用,而著名的彩球手摇花也于20世纪50年代被劳伦斯•何其莫用到啦啦队当中。Widespread use of the megaphone started in the 1900's and the famous pom pon was introduced in the 1950's by Lawrence Herkimer.

因为周围的噪音太大以至于他的正常嗓音不能被人很好的听见,他在每一站都使用扩音器,并且总是号召人们进行救赎。He uses the megaphone at express stops, where the noise is too great for his voice to be heard ordinarily, and calls for redemption.

当使用者对着这种扩音器说日语时,软件会自动的将讲话内容翻译成英语,中文和韩文。When the user speaks into the megaphone in Japanese, software automatically translate what is said into English, Chinese and Korean.

隔空喊话的外交政策,尤其是在美中两国之间的这种外交政策,需要将声量放低,否则任何取得进展的机会都会被吹的无影无踪。Megaphone diplomacy, especially between the United States and China, needs to be toned down or risk blowing up any chance of progress.

政府一直积极鼓励以宗教信仰为基础的教育,因此等于给了宗教各派及原教旨主义者一个扩音喇叭。The government has actively encouraged faith-based education, and therefore given a megaphone to religious voices and fundamentalists.

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作者们认为它可能被用来在系统中安放一个“传声筒”,以改进对于诸如烧伤和腿部溃疡之类伤痛的的治疗。The authors believe it can be used to put "a megaphone in the system" to improve the treatment of injuries such as burns and leg ulcers.

哎,那是个相当大的问题,而且如果你观察了一整天注意到在扉页关于我的一个积极的故事之后,你会感到有压力的。Well, that's a pretty big megaphone. And you'd be hard-pressed, if you watched the entire day, to find a positive story about me on that front.

消费者的体验不仅受到该品牌或公司的影响,还会受到其他消费者的影响,而且该消费者还能通过社交媒体分享自己的体验。The consumer's experience is defined by other consumers as well as the brand or company, and that consumer has a megaphone through social media.

“我认为斯莱特林队的哈珀已经看见飞贼了!”扎卡赖斯·史密斯对着魔法麦克风说,“没错,他肯定看见了什么,波特没看见!”"And I think Harper of Slytherin's seen the Snitch! " said Zacharias Smith through his megaphone. "Yes, he's certainly seen something Potter hasn't! "

抗议者们聚集在Zamalek高端消费区的突尼斯大使馆前用扩音器大喊口号,挥舞突尼斯国旗。The protesters who gathered at the Tunisian Embassy in the upscale neighborhood of Zamalek chanted slogans into a megaphone and waved red Tunisian flags.

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大连市委书记唐军站在一辆警车上,通过扬声器承诺工厂将搬到别的地方,以此努力安抚民众。Dalian's party chief, Tang Jun, tried to placate the crowd by standing atop a police van, promising through a megaphone that the plant would be relocated.

大连市委书记唐军站在一辆警车上,通过扬声器承诺工厂将搬到别的地方,以此努力安抚民众。Dalian’s party chief, Tang Jun, tried to placate the crowd by standing atop a police van, promising through a megaphone that the plant would be relocated.

另一方面,本文也深入分析为何在战时状态下,大众媒介一味站在政府角度和立场,成为政府战时的传声筒和宣传机器。On the other side, the paper also makes research of why the press kept step with the government to be its megaphone and propaganda machine during the war time.