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甚至现在也有对不同人的诋毁。There is vilification of people of various kinds even now.

克莱尔不该受到这样的诽谤。Clare did not deserve the vilification she had been subjected to.

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在一个趋向两极化和诋毁成风的年代,这似乎是一个高不可攀的志向。In an age of polarization and vilification this may seem a lofty aspiration.

数不清的孩子,婴儿P事件过后社会的中伤,也让这些他们愈发挫伤。Social workers are pestered with targets and demoralised by their vilification in the Baby P case.

之后网络出现了各种诽谤,这些诽谤对他的生活产生了极大的干扰,该男子正准备起诉网站。Despite online vilification and real-life harassment, he is trying to sue internet sites for defamation.

主教的信是发动一场在美国历史上没有前例的诬蔑和恐吓运动的信号。Bishop's letter was the signal for a campaign of vilification and intimidation unequaled in American history.

目前这场战役已经是大规模的谎言和空前的名誉诽谤了。This current campaign of vilification is reaching new dimensions of lies and unprecedented levels of defamation.

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这些原因让马斯登突然遭受不明的诽谤。虽然尽管这些指控的证明是清白的,但她的名誉不能恢复。The reasons for Marsden's sudden vilification are unclear, but, despite being exonerated of all charges, her reputation never recovered.

尽管如此,对不良资产的潜在买家来说,华尔街公司高管在国会遭受恶言恶语的情景仍历历在目。Still, visions of vilification of Wall Street executives on Capitol Hill remain fresh in the minds of potential buyers of the bad assets.

仿真试验和工程实例验证结果表明该方法用于纵列式直升机设计的可行性。The vilification results of simulation test and engineering example have shown that the test method can be used column rotor helicopter design.

尽管网络上的诬陷与现实中的骚扰不断,该男子仍想尽办法起诉相关网站的诽谤行为,看来这些网络暴徒的受害者们仍有着一丝的希望。Despite online vilification and real-life harassment, he is trying to sue internet sites for defamation. Victims of the internet mob still have a glimmer of hope.

高级官员很少回应采访,回答质询和接受采访通常不能实现,外国媒体有时成了政府攻击的目标。Senior officials rarely give interviews, questions and interview requests are often ignored, and the foreign media is sometimes the target of official vilification.

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虽然政府有权要求英国石油公司对这次时间负责并要求其赔偿所有损失,但是完全没有必要在公众场合对英国石油公司进行持续的中伤。While the government is right to hold BP accountable for the spill and make sure they pay for all costs, the constant public vilification of the company was unnecessary.

在任何比赛期间,不准参与不合法的活动,不准参与任何有关于歧视,性骚扰,虐待或污蔑等违法活动。During or in connection with any competition, do not engage in any activity that is unlawful and do not engage in any acts of discrimination or sexual harassment, abuse or vilification.

哈马斯与法塔赫的自相残杀,巴勒斯坦人一贯坚持的受害人形象和他们对以色列的污蔑,都使美国的中东和平努力层层受阻。S. Middle East peace effort ran into the buzz saw of Hamas-Fatah internecine strife combined with a Palestinian inability to abandon the narrative of victimhood and vilification of Israel.

哈马斯与法塔赫的自相残杀,巴勒斯坦人一贯坚持的受害人形象和他们对以色列的污蔑,都使美国的中东和平努力层层受阻。The U.S. Middle East peace effort ran into the buzz saw of Hamas-Fatah internecine strife combined with a Palestinian inability to abandon the narrative of victimhood and vilification of Israel.