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让我来介绍一下。Let me introduce him.

让我来介绍朱迪。Let me introduce Judy.

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我可自我介绍吗?ay I introduce myself?

请让我把于先生介绍给你。May I introduce Mr. Yu.

让我来介绍一下王先生。Let me introduce Mr.Wang.

来跟大家介绍我堂弟吧!Let me introduce him, ok?

我来介绍一下王先生好吗?May I introduce Mr. Wang?

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让我来介绍一下我的太太。ALet me introduce my wife.

现在我来一一介绍吧!Now let me introduce them!

请允许我自我介绍。Allow me to introduce myself.

向病人作自我介绍。Introduce yourself to client.

请听升旗手自我介绍。Please introduce the bearers!

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现在让我介绍一下我的客人。Now let me introduce my guest.

请允许我介绍安伯格博士。Allow me to introduce Dr Amberg.

介绍一下你的家乡好吗?Can you introduce your hometown?

当如何介绍林心如呢?How should I introduce Ruby Lin?

我愿向诸位介绍张先生。I'd like to introduce Mr. Zhang.

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我愿向诸位介绍张男士。I'd love to introduce Mr. Zhang.

让我介绍一下我的朋友王。Let me introduce my friend Wang.

我想首先介绍一下我自己。I want to first introduce myself.