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他加了一些盐巴在面里面。He add some salt in the noodle.

这里有汤面吗?Do you have Chinese noodle soup?

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我能闻到美味的面汤的味道。I can smell some nice noodle soup.

好想来一碗牛肉汤面!I need a bowl of beef noodle soup.

你知道什么是「面条沙拉」吗?Do you know what "noodle salad" is?

那也别忘了推着小车卖面条。You're forgetting your noodle cart.

郝家一家人来到面馆。Haos family came to the noodle shop.

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我也喜欢吃“红烧牛肉面“。I also like "stew beef noodle soup".

你午餐要一些面汤吗?Do you want some noodle soup for lunch?

内容丰富的大碗面,在上海才3.5元一碗。Plentiful big bowl noodle cost 3.5 yuan.

你喜欢杂脍,还是鸡肉面汤?Would you like chowder or chicken noodle?

请在外面等米线。Please wait outside for rice-flour noodle.

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现在就是享受美味米线的时刻了。It is time to enjoy the Yunnan rice noodle.

我们的阳春面很受欢迎。Our noodle in superior soup is very popular.

昏暗的光在面条摊上忽闪着。Dim lights flickered above the noodle stalls.

下个月,超合金和杯面每天!Next month, chogokin and cup noodle everyday!

在饭店的右边有一家蛋糕店。There is a noodle restaurant across the road.

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他们供应的面食冷而无味。The noodle they served was cold and tasteless.

将粉丝放入滚烫水煮6-10分钟,再放入凉水后沥乾。Put noodle into bolling water for 6-10 minutes.

三天后,那碗汤面发霉了。Three days later, bowl of noodle soup mildewed.