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撒旦一拽,默多克没动。Satan said.

撒坦说到,“没门。Satan says, "No way.

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当撒旦前来试探我。When Satan tempts me to despair.

你必须从撒但权下归向上帝。You must turn from Satan to God.

是为撒旦和他的鬼魔准备的。Created for Satan and his demons.

我们该怎样看待撒旦?How are we supposed to see Satan?

让我们学习不要抚弄撒旦。Let us learn not to fondle Satan.

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撒但与那根刺有何关系呢?What did Satan have to do with it?

“那正是我想要的,”撒旦说。"That's what I want, " said Satan.

撒旦是人类最大的诱惑者。Satan is the great tempter of mankind.

口口声声说撒旦规则大地。Proclaiming that satan rules the earth.

有一天撒旦来到伊甸园。One day Satan came to the Garden of Eden.

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撒旦站在炽烈的湖边。This is Satan standing by the fiery lake.

上帝发明同居,撒旦发明婚姻。God invented concubinage , Satan marriage.

马克思真的向撒殚买了一把剑吗?Did Marx really buy a sword from the Satan?

撒旦无时不刻地在企图欺骗我们。Satan is trying to deceive us all the time.

那红龙是对撒旦的另一个称号。The Red Dragon is one of the names of Satan.

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撒旦之子最怕什么呢?The only thing feared by the spawn of Satan?

那将是撒但欺蒙的高峰。That will be the climatic deception of Satan.

因为已经有转去随从撒但的。For some are already turned aside after Satan.