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我看到一个小孩在吃冰淇淋蛋卷。I saw a small boy licking an ice-cream cornet.

我看见她正坐在角落里,盯着那个女孩。I see her sitting in the cornet staring at that girl.

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酗酒的小成本会计师和他那吹短号的兄弟。The drunken little costdrawer and his brother, the cornet player.

我觉得她根本不在乎乐队里那个吹短号的原来是个古董商。And I don't think she cared that the cornet player was actually an antiques dealer.

宽肩,窄臀,几乎没有腰,纤细的双腿,使一个短号形状机构。Broad shoulders, narrow hips, almost no waist and slim legs makes a cornet shape body.

阿姆斯特郎在一个男孩家里学习演奏短号的时候,就已经表现出了他非凡的音乐天赋。Armstrong showed a great talent for music when he was taught to play the cornet at a boy's home.

在新奥尔良一位名为路易•阿姆斯特朗的年轻小号手被金•奥列佛发现。A young virtuoso cornet player named Louis Armstrong was discovered in New Orleans by King Oliver.

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二十岁的时候,挤在人头攒动的公共大巴上,吃着甜筒,挺开心。In the twenties, I was very happy, while crowding with a mass of people, and eating a Cornet on the bus.

那个夏天,我为几家东南部的球队用短号独奏国歌,而我的儿子就站在我的身旁。That summer I performed the anthem solo on a cornet for several teams in the Southeast as my son stood next to me.

里拉,一个33岁的唱歌老师同时也是一个兼职人体模特说道,小费对于她每小时才10英镑的薪酬是一个非常重要的补贴。Leela, 33, a singing teacher and part-time model, said the "cornet" was crucial to supplement her pay of €10 an hour.

他会推开门,“在短号上吹出三个、四个或者五个音符,悦耳且专业那是自不用说”——然后消失掉。He would open the door, blow "three or four or five unquestionably sweet and expert notes on a cornet"—and then disappear.

骠骑兵少尉热尔科夫在彼得堡曾一度属于多洛霍夫把持的暴徒团伙。The cornet of hussars , Zherkov, had at one time belonged to the fast set in Petersburg, of which Dolohov had been the leader.

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联合声明表示,“任何关于王子征战的具体地点和职位的相关细节揣测都会给可能带来危险。”"Speculation about precisely where Cornet Wales will serve, or the exact details of his role, is potentially dangerous," the joint statement said.

清扫孔装于重质油罐底部、清扫孔油罐可放出污水扫除内污泥。Cleanout hole series can be set at the cornet from the bottom tank shell course to the bottom of the heavy oil storage tank for cleaning and draining during maintenance.

全球通用户通过短号可享受10元包月省内互拨的资费优惠,其余品牌用户通过短号可享受5元包月市内互拨的资费优惠。GSM users can enjoy cornet monthly 10 yuan allocated among the province's preferential tariff, and the remaining brands users can enjoy cornet 5 yuan monthly charges allocated among the city offers.