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苍天给我的处罚?Heaven to my punishment?

也许这是一种惩罚。Perhaps this is a punishment.

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体罚是常见的。Corporal punishment is common.

惩戒是轻易就可以付诸实践的事情。Punishment is an easy reaction.

避免用做家务当作一种惩罚。Avoid using chores as a punishment.

杀人者处死刑。The punishment for murder is death.

我也会因为爱而惩罚孩子们。I have inflicted punishment in love.

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对叛国罪的处罚是处死。The punishment for treason is death.

惩罚应当跟所犯的事相适应。The punishment should fit the crime.

跟“特权”不搭界的!Punishment is to take privilege away.

他知道,他们确实该罚。and he knows they deserve punishment.

你逃脱不了对你的惩罚。You can't slide out of the punishment.

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体罚是严格禁止的。Corporal punishment is strictly banned.

对称重纪律处分。Weighing discipline against punishment.

罪与罚本是同茎生。Crime and punishment grow out of one stem.

处罚封犯罪有强大的威慑作用。Punishment is a strong deterrent to crime.

刑事处罚不科学。The criminal punishment is not scientific.

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狱卒们向他们滥施惩罚。Their jailers dished out their punishment.

他关掉电视伸了个懒腰并打了个哈欠,开始读她书架上的“罪与罚”。“Crime and Punishment.” Off her bookshelf.

处罚可能是一张罚款单,而不会禁赛。A fine, not a ban, is the likely punishment.