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她的围巾被油弄脏了。Her kerchief is dirty with oil.

她头尚带着踊块黄色的畏巾。She wore on her head a kerchief.

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她头上带着一块黄色的头巾。She wore on her head a yellow kerchief.

撩开了红红的头巾。I uncover the red kerchief on your head.

我们注视着它,这遗落的时光的帕子。We eyed it, the dropped kerchief of time.

我实在想不起来那块头巾可能失落在什么地方。Really I can't recall where I could have dropped my kerchief.

中国的许多小学生都戴红领巾。The red kerchief is worn by many first school students in China.

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我穿着从美术室拿来的工作服,把用方巾盖着头发。I was wearing a smock from the art room, and had my hair tucked into a kerchief.

别担心。你只要围上头巾,穿上衣服,你就看上去很有女性味了。Don't worry about it. With your kerchief and your clothes you look very feminine.

别担心。你只要围上头巾,穿上衣服,你就看上去很有女性味了。Don't worry about it. With your kerchief and your clothes you look very feminine.

真有那种纱巾飘落可断的刀吗?如果有,香港能买到这种刀吗?Is there a Dao that can cut a gauze kerchief into two pieces when it falls down naturally?

有一回,他大声咳嗽后,放下了手帕,我问他,“爸,你对猫不过敏吗?”I asked once, as he was putting his hand kerchief away after one of his infamous loud honks.

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阿西尼娅·费奥多罗夫娜脸红起来,用手绢捂着,笑嘻嘻地从房里出去。Anisya Fyodorovna flushed, and hiding her face in her kerchief , went laughing out of the room.

她已经停止号哭,只是抽抽搭搭地呜咽着,用头巾梢儿擦着她那红块斑斑的脸。She had ceased crying and only sobbed, wiping her red, discoloured face with the end of the kerchief on her head.

以及用于广告宣传的条幅、幕布等,经转移印花后,还需进行阻燃整理。As well as advertising material of scroll and covering kerchief should be given flame retardant finishing after transfer printing.

娜塔莎有一阵子把脸从母亲的花边三角头巾下抬起来,透过笑出的眼泪,从底下朝她望了一眼,又把脸蛋藏了起来。Natasha, pulling her face away from her mother's lace kerchief for a minute, peeped down at her through tears of laughter, and hid her face again.

“杞”黎男子多用二三米长的黑色或红色头巾缠头。妇女的头巾宽两端绣有花纹,并有垂须。Men of "Qi Li" usually use black or red kerchief as long as three meters, while women's are wide, with flowery patterns at the two ends with fringes.

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与我父亲是一个非常时髦的人,他总是穿着这件西装,他的头发是完美的梳理。And my father was a very dapper man, he always dressed in double-breasted suit, his hair was perfectly combed. He always had a kerchief in his jacket.

从那天晚上起,他很少一个人待着了,总是同神偷和查理在一起,常常同他们做着手帕的游戏。After that evening he was rarely on his own again. He spent a lot of time with the Dodger and Charley, and often played the hand kerchief game with them.

另一个矮小,结实,用手巾包住脸庞,他把同伴从地上扶起来,用手指指自己的嘴,说了几句话。The other, a little, stumpy man, with a kerchief bound round his cheeks, was stronger. He held his companion up, and said something pointing to his mouth.