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将唇线笔用作眼线笔?Lip liner as eye liner?

没有比液体眼线笔更好的选择了。Nothing beats liquid liner.

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柱塞应从导套里拉出。Draw out the cylinder liner.

邮轮中午达到停泊地。The liner berthed at midday.

底材为双面离型纸。Liner is double release paper.

你们的装货班轮什么时候开航?When does your cargo liner sail?

这艘轮船在利物浦靠了码头。The liner docked at seven o'clock.

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因此,选择您的唇班轮小心。So, choose your lip liner carefully.

用唇膏顶部画唇线唇线。Use your lip liner on top of lipstick.

要解锁,把锁片向左推就行了。To release, push the liner to the left.

凸耳型蝶阀带有丁晴内衬。Butterfly valves Lug type with NBR liner.

又有一艘嘉年化邮轮搁浅。Another carnival cruise liner is stranded.

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他跑船在远洋线上担任医生。He shipped as doctor aboard an ocean liner.

硬塑料的插入物适合里织物衬垫。Hard plastic insert fits inside fabric liner.

金属桶内衬薄膜,每桶净重25公斤。Metal kegs with liner inside, 25kgs net each.

眼线液比你想象中的易用。Liquid liner is easier to apply than you think.

那艘班轮已经全面整修。The liner has been refitted from stem to stern.

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班轮在浓雾中撞上了渔船。The liner ran down a fishing-boat in thick fog.

艉轴管衬套压紧验收。The stern tube liner tightenness to be approved.

w我们只看到班轮驶过留下的白沫翻腾的航迹。We just saw the foaming white wake of the liner.