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图中是马面共跟国巴马科市中心的一条繁闲的街讲。A busy street in the middle of Bamako, Mali.

与象牙海岸和冈比亚不同,马里没有海港。Unlike Ivory Coast and Gambia, Mali has no seaports.

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他的表妹克西迪亚雅凯塔也被限制为马里。His cousin Sidi Yaya Keita has also been capped for Mali.

在揭幕战中,东道主安哥拉队对战马里队。The hosts Angola have been playing Mali in the opening game.

马里中部一城市,靠近尼日乐河,位于巴马科东北部。A city of central Mali near the Niger River northeast of Bamako.

其实在首都巴马科,马里依然显得欠发达。Even in Bamako, the capital city, Mali is thoroughly under-developed.

在非洲,这个组活跃在利比里亚,塞内加尔,马里和马拉维。In Africa, the group is active in Liberia, Senegal, Mali and Malawi.

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不像冈比亚和象牙海岸城,马里是一个没有港口的非沿海城市。Mali is not a coastal country with ports like Ivory Coast and Gambia.

王储访问了我们在伊拉克和马里的驻兵。The Crown Prince has visited our soldiers posted in Iraq and in Mali.

很多非洲音乐,像刚果乐和马里的音乐。Yeah, a lot of African music like Congolese music and music from Mali.

在马里和布基纳法索还有其他几个恢复绿化工程正在进行中。There are other regreening projects under way in Mali and Burkina Faso.

没错,撒哈拉沙漠以南也有像索马里和马里这些国家。Yes, there were the immediate Sub Saharan nations such as Songhai and Mali.

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地处内陆的马利是全球第二十四大的国家,也是最贫穷的国度之一。Landlocked Mali is the world's 24th largest country, and one of the poorest.

专家认为,正在逼近的问题是,马利仍然是个耕地的社会。The looming problem, experts noted, is that Mali remains an agrarian society.

马里农村的穷孩子上小学平均要走8公里。The average poor child in rural Mali has to walk 8 kilometers to primary school.

科学家将这种含糖硼酸诱捕剂带到了西非的马里。The scientists took the boric acid sweet bait to the West African nation of Mali.

和许多其他交易一样,马利从这些租约里赚到的钱仍然不清楚。As with many of the deals, the money Mali might earn from the leases remains murky.

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小阿萨莫阿在上周日帮助加纳队2-2逼平了马里。The young midfielder helped the Black Stars in their 2-2 draw with Mali last Sunday.

我们将看到更多的武装行动,对毛里塔尼亚,阿尔及利亚,马里和尼日尔。And we'll see more armed actions against the Mauritanians, Algerians, Mali and Niger.

目前,只有乍得、埃塞俄比亚、马里和南苏丹仍然报道出现病例。Currently, the only reported cases have been in Chad, Ethiopia, Mali and South Sudan.