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贝灵汉总督大人在吗?Is the worshipful governor bel lingham within?

因为我们知道和平的可贵,更了解战争的苦难!We deeply understand the worshipful value and the torment of the wars.

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龙一般被认为是瑞兽,拥有巨大的力量,尊贵,吉祥。It is generally regarded as benevolent, powerful, worshipful and lucky.

目前,对银币矿物成分的测试是由代表英国财政部的金史密斯家族旗下的Worshipful公司操作的。Assaying is now done by the Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths on behalf of HM Treasury.

我相信自然和艺术中的美丽就是一种值得崇尚的文化。I believe in the worshipful cultivation and enjoyment of the beauty in nature and art.

何况不管是在电影院还是在电视屏幕前,这样的作品总是会有大批虔诚的粉丝的。And at movie theaters and on TV screens nationwide, there will always be legions of worshipful fans.

祂喜欢怎样便怎样,因为祂永远是我无条件崇拜的主。He is completely free to do anything and everything, for He is always my worshipful Lord unconditionally.

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男人心目中理想的女人,是当他在往访其他女性的半?上遇见她的时候、惟。A man's ideal woman is the one he pass with a worshipful bow when he's on his way to call on the other woman.

全心为夫为子的女人是可敬的,但是女人千万不可没有了自我!A woman completely devoted herself to her husband and child is worshipful but a woman can never lose herself!

男人心目中理想的女人,是当他在往访其他女性的半?上遇见她的时候、惟恭惟敬地给她行礼的女人。A man's ideal woman is the one he passes with a worshipful bow-when he's on his way to call on the other woman.

藏族有个非常特别的传统,就是丈夫可以让自己的老婆陪尊贵的客人睡觉。The tibetan has a very special manners that the husband will allow his wife to sleep with the worshipful guest.

像藏族有个非常特别的传统,就是丈夫可以让自己的老婆陪尊贵的客人睡觉。The tibetan has a very special manners that the husband will allow his wife to sleep with the worshipful guest.

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龙一般被认为是瑞兽,拥有巨大的力量,尊贵,吉祥。龙被认为是风和雨的制造者。Loong is generally regarded as benevolent, powerful, worshipful and lucky. It is thought the source of wind and rain.

伏地魔举起一只手让她别做声,她便不再说话,一双眼睛狂热而崇拜地盯着伏地魔。Voldemort raised his hand to silence her, and she did not speak another word, but eyed him in worshipful fascination.

国际象棋、国际跳棋及儿童掷色子游戏都是在棋盘上比赛的游戏。He slipped on the ice and had a fall. A shout of fervent and worshipful praise. Chess, draughts and ludo are 'board games.

这是她灵魂的关键时刻,而正如令人崇敬的总督大人所说,由于你对她的灵魂负有职责,因此,这对你自己的灵魂也同样是关键时刻。It is of moment to her soul, and therefore, as the worshipful Governor says, momentous to thine own, in whose charge hers is.

他敬重喜爱的妹妹说道,“不管是多常规的事情,他都要蠕动嘴巴,轻声重复。”“Every sentence he uttered,” his worshipful younger sister recalled, “no matter how routine, he repeated to himself softly, moving his lips.

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我在那令人崇敬的温斯洛普总督的床边呆了大半夜,尽拙技之能为他减轻痛苦。I had spent the better part of the night at the bedside of the worshipful Governor Winthrop, doing what my poor skill might to give him ease.

看到忠实拥护者和政治候选人上前与比利·麦默恩握手,艾奇·斯尼格弗里兹崇拜的心里忽然产生一种大胆、使人兴奋的冲动。The leal and the hopeful shook Billy McMahan's hand. And there was born suddenly in the worshipful soul of Ikey Snigglefritz an audacious, thrilling impulse.

要是那个破靶站在眼下咱们这五个姐们儿跟前听候判决,她能够带着那些可敬的官老爷们赐给她的判决溜过往吗?If the hussy stood up for judgment before us five, that are now here in a knot together, would she come off with such a sentence as the worshipful magistrates have awarded?