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而法式深吻则更加少见。French kissing is rarer still.

有集中甚至比黄金更稀有。And several are even rarer than gold.

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钻石的颜色越纯净,越是稀有之物。The purer a diamond's color, the rarer it is.

并不经常觉得出租车来早了,更稀奇地是,我还会给某人留了号码。It's even rarer I give someone my direct number.

这些海报非常罕见,因此非常有收藏价值。These posters are rarer and hence very collectable.

比较少见的“金”是手中有两副顺子,每副五张牌。A rarer gin hand is two sequences of five cards each.

然而,这些条例没有将大肠杆菌的一些罕见种类纳入监管范围。But the regulations do not cover rarer forms of E. coli.

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当然了,我是拿破仑这个信念更罕见。Of course,the belief,I am Napoleon is a much rarer belief.

墨西哥司机懒于系安全带,他们的幼儿专座也从来没有固定好的。Drivers are slack about seat belts and child-seats are rarer still.

下面,我们将讨论一些更加罕见的例子,比如卡普格拉综合征And then, we'll even discuss some rarer cases like Capgras syndrome.

下面,我们将讨论一些更加罕见的例子,比如卡普格拉综合征。And then, we'll even discuss some rarer cases like Capgras syndrome.

残次品更少,贵重的物品更稀有和更多是钻石。The fewer the imperfections, the rarer and more valuable is the diamond.

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乳癌转移至混合嗜铬性细胞瘤更是少见。Breast cancer metastasizing to composite pheochromocytoma is still rarer.

无可否认共同死亡比单独死亡少见得多。Now admittedly,dying as a joint undertaking is far rarer than dying alone.

在墓地周围发现了一条较为罕见的东汉时期的隍壕。Has discovered a rarer Eastern Han Dynasty time trench around the cemetery.

舞蹈症或是偏侧舞蹈症在毛毛样脑血管病是少见的临床表现。Chorea or hemichorea is one of the rarer presenting features of moyamoya disease.

而在越南,不动产有中央政府持有,这倒在很大程度上避免了中国的问题。In Vietnam the freehold remains with the central government, so such problems are rarer.

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几个世纪以来,它被历代帝王视为至宝,至今仍比一辆崭新的法拉利轿车还珍贵。它到底是什么呢?What has been the treasure of kings for centuries and is even today rarer than a new Ferrari?

很少能发现中等收入的国家曾经存在法律和秩序,但后来失败了。It is rarer to find a middle-income state in which law and order once existed but later failed.

安吉白茶的采茶期只有短短的一个月,因而使它变得更为珍贵。The Anji white tea has a short harvest time lasting about one month, which makes it even rarer.