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串珠镰刀菌是小麦根腐病病原菌之一。Fusarium moniliforme is one pathogeny of wheat common rot.

然而,对鼠疫病因病机的研究和介绍缺如。But there are not treatises on pathogeny and pathogenesis of plague.

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本文对甜瓜镶嵌花叶病的病因进行了初探。A preliminary study on the pathogeny of muskmelon's inlay mosaic was carried out.

目的了解本地区性病病原体的感染情况。OBJECTIVE To find out the pathogeny of sexually transmitted disease in Shanghai Shihua.

月经病的形成每以情志内伤为主要病因。MenstruationIll formation every with affection annals internal injury is main pathogeny.

最近所说的手口脚疱疹病主要病因是什么?Is the disease of bleb of hand mouth foot that says recently main what is the pathogeny ?

目的研究急性散发型肝炎病原学的构成。Objective To investigate the composing of pathogeny in acute sporadic hepatitis patients.

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发烧两个月,查不出病因,怎么办?焦急的有点迷茫。Have a fever two months, do not check give the pathogeny , how to do? Anxious a bit confused.

对336例新生儿高胆红素血症的病因、茵虎汤治疗的疗效及机理进行了探讨。This paper probed into the pathogeny and the treatment of 336 newborns with hyperbilirubinemia.

目的探讨梅克尔憩室出血的病因及外科治疗。Objective To investigate the pathogeny and treatment of Meckel′s perticulum bleeding in children.

目的探讨梅克尔憩室出血的病因及外科治疗。Objective To investigate the pathogeny and treatment of Meckel′s diverticulum bleeding in children.

病原菌主要通过伤口、冻伤口、自然孔口从侧枝与主秆的节叉处侵入。The pathogeny infected host through wound, natural orifice, wound of freezing injury on bamboo node.

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经实验研究确定其为丹顶鹤致死病原。The pathogeny of death of the red_crowned cranes proved to be Candida glabrata by experiments and studies.

随着该病发病率的不断上升,对其病因的诊断显得十分重要。With the rising incidences of comal endotheliitis, diagnosis of the pathogeny has become increasingly important.

目前大多数学者一般认为,慢性胃炎是溃疡病的发病因素之一。At present most scholar thinks commonly, chronic gastritis is one of hair pathogeny element of cankerous disease.

生殖系炎症导致性功能障碍问题,病因是综合性的,而且比较复杂。Reproduction fastens inflammation to cause sexual dysfunction problem, the pathogeny is omnibus, and more complex.

DNA疫苗是继病原体疫苗、亚单位疫苗之后的第三代疫苗,具有许多的优越性。DNA vaccine with incomparable advantage is the third generation vaccine which folows pathogeny vaccine and subunit vaccine.

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从治療学而言,主要讨論「病因之诊断」与「治療的态度与方法」。As far as therapeutics is concerned, emphasis is placed on diagnosis of pathogeny and the attitude and method for treatment.

有关山茶灰斑病的研究较少,多为对病原菌的生物学特性以及利用化学手段防治病害的研究。Now the research is just around the biological character of pathogeny and the chemical prevention to the camellia gray spot.

乳腺多发纤维瘤是常见的乳腺良性肿瘤,其病因尚未完全明确,但诊断相对容易。Breast multiple fibroma was common benign reast tumor and the pathogeny is still uncertain, bus it ism uch easier for diagnosis.