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他说的东西几乎像是20世纪的存在主义者。He says almost like a 20th century existentialist.

存在主义者不相信激情的力量。The existentialist does not believe in the power of passion.

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所有这些概念都可以在存在主义中找到依据。These concepts are all well grounded in existentialist thought.

陀思妥耶夫斯基超越了他所处的时代,是一位了不起的作家。An existentialist before his time, Dostoyevsky is a powerful writer.

存在主义作家们说在苦痛中我们感觉不到自己的存在。Existentialist writers say that in anguish we feel like we no longer exist.

存在主义对自我欺骗的理解是不守信。The existentialist understanding of this self-deception is living in Bad Faith.

从存在主义的观点来定义,我们的生活就是我们做出的选择。As defined from an existentialist perspective, our lives are defined by the choices we make.

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或者,正如存在主义者让·保罗·萨特称他为“我们这个时代最完整的人”?Or as existentialist Jean-Paul Sartre called him, "the most complete human being of our age"?

西蒙·德·波伏娃是存在主义女性观的代表人物。Simone de Beauvoir is a representative personality of the existentialist perspective on women.

在「存在与空无」一书中,沙特常常回到存在主义的研究粘贴黏性物质。Sartre would return to an existentialist study of sticky, viscous matter in Being and Nothingness.

我想部分的答案在于存在主义的另一个概念,可能性,无限的可能性。I think part of the answer is in another existentialist concept, possibility, infinite possibility.

他在其大部分作品中较为明确地以艺术的形式表达了自己的存在主义观念。In most of his literary works he expressed his existentialist ideas clearly in an artistical method.

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多甫拉托夫是一位有着“严肃的存在主义作家”称谓的当代俄罗斯后现代主义作家。Dovlatov , a contemporary Russian post-modernist writer, is said to be a " serious existentialist writer ".

生产者和存在主义了演员搞得狼狈不堪,手足无措,如果要求削减喋喋不休地说究竟是什么意思。Producers and actors of Existentialist plays are completely flummoxed if asked to cut the cackle and say exactly what they mean.

年约翰福尔斯开辟了维多利亚现实主义小说的新时代,将其从描写婚姻阴谋发展到不安定的存在主义。In 1969 John Fowles opened up the Victorian realist novel, with its driving marriage plot, to the instability of the existentialist age.

前者是她为世人所熟知的典型论调,后者却像是从上世纪50年代某部存在主义戏剧里讲出来的话。The first is typical of the woman the world thought it knew. The second sounds as though it had wandered in from some 1950s existentialist drama.

您是如何利用波伏娃存在主义女性主义的思想资源来激发您的女性主义理论的全新思考?What are the intellectual resources you see in the existentialist feminism of Beauvoir which have stimulated your vital new insights in feminist theory?

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波伏娃以存在主义哲学家、思想家、文学家、社会活动家和女权运动精神领袖的多彩人生蜚声世界。Beauvoir is well-known all over the world as a famous existentialist philosopher, ideologist, litterateur, social activist and a spiritual leader of feminism.

借助当代存在主义的理论成果,重新审视现实主义的本质涵义,并运用在实践中探讨人的历史活动的唯物主义方法。In view of the existentialist theory of the day, the essence of the realism must be rescanned. The historical materialism is used to discuss the human's historical activity.

本文在采用比较分析法的同时,还从存在主义哲学的角度分析了哈克和霍尔登试图逃离社会、追求真实自我的努力。Apart from a comparative study on these two masterpieces, applying the existentialist philosophy, the thesis makes an analysis of Huck and Holden"s situation in society as well."