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杰米,无论你是怎样的人,我们都会永远爱你。Jami ter what you are , we'll always love you.

茶叶、中草药、咖啡等袋泡饮品。Ter. Chinese Herbs. coffee. any tea-bag drinks.

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财产的二分之一分给阿曼达,布伦特和托马斯各四分之一。To Brent and Thomas, one quar- ter of the originalamount.

星期六,从十二点到下午四点,爸爸和我过了父亲和女儿的一天。On Saturdays, from twelve to four, Dad and I have a father-daugh- ter day.

请描述您的长期和短期目标以及您打算怎样实现他们。Describe your short-term and long ter objectives and how you plan to achieve them.

隔离鼠在注利血平、电击后格斗行为明显减少。Shock-induced fighting behavior lessened ter reserpine injection upon isolated rats.

“我的任务是把你安全送到,哈利!”海格大吼一声,加大了油门。"My job's ter get you there safe, Harry! " bellowed Hagrid, and he opened the throttle.

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公司总部设在意大利弗利市,并在墨西哥和巴西具有自己的生产工厂。TER. SpA is headquartered in Forlì, Italy, and has production units in Mexico and Brazil.

财产的二分之一分给阿曼达,布伦特和托马斯各四分之一。To Amanda, Igive half of my money. To Brent and Thomas, one quar- ter of the originalamount.

他和年迈的妹妹住在一起,正对面则住着他景仰有加的橙带党领袖。He and his old sis- ter lived exactly opposite the Orange leader for whom he had a great respect.

除非文义另有所指,否则供股章程所界定之词汇与本通知书所采用者具有相同涵义。Ter ms defined in the Prospectus have the same meanings herein unless the context otherwise requires.

在动力集中系统中,对支路和末端设备的流量调节,采用改变阻力的方式是不得已而为之。In power centralized system, we have to change the resistance to regulate the flow of subcircuit and ter.

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“十七了,是不?”海格一边从弗雷德手里接过小桶那么大的一杯酒,一边说,“六年前的今天我们俩相见,哈利,你还记得吗?”"Seventeen, eh! " said Hagrid as he accepted a bucket-sized glass of wine from Fred. "Six years ter the day since we met, Harry, d'yeh remember it?"

不管你是谁,做什么职业,在哪里生活,你想你的生活和工作中都发生了重大变化。The chances are good, no n.a.ter who you are, what you do, or where you live, that you'll say that there have been some profoimd changes to how you live and work.

德梅伦说,例如,欧洲气温上升将为一种传播黄热病、西尼罗河病毒、登革热和脑炎的蚊子提供新栖息地。Forexample, rising temperatures in Europe would provide new habitats for amosquito that transmits yellow fever, West Nile virus, dengue fever andencephalitis, ter Meulen said.

这里的生态环境优良,山中的茶油、茶叶、板栗、山野菜,水里的鱼鳖虾蟹,都是纯天然的绿色食品。Here is an excellent ecological environment, the mountains of tea oil, tea, chestnut, mountain vegetables, shrimps and crabs wa Fish and turtle ter are all pure natural green food.

速度一次方模型的计算结果较含水层滞止导热系数倍数模型的计算结果的抽水温度降大,热影响范围小。Compared with results of aquifer-thermal-conductivity's-multiple model, results of velocity's-one-power model show that the drop of pumping temperature is greater and TER is smaller.