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馕坑烤肉。Nang pit barbecue.

法律是有底的深渊。Law is a bottomless pit.

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是我要求停站的。The pit stop was my call.

即使是赛车也需要停站。Even race cars make pit stops.

挖一个坑把垃圾埋掉。Dig a pit and bury the garbage.

我的桃核也在里面呢。My peach pit is inside it, too.

环形山是碗状凹坑结构。Pit craters are bowl structure.

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他们竟然挖陷坑害我。Yet they have dug a pit for me.

她停下来朝坑里面瞟了一眼。She stops and peers into the pit.

也许咬一口,但是一窝蛇?One bite maybe. But a pit of snakes?

第三个钱坑是假设的。The third money pit is hypothetical.

他们竟挖坑要害我的性命。for they have digged a pit for my soul.

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坑道顶儿用柱子顶着。The pillars sustain the roof of the pit.

坑道顶用柱子支撑着。The pillars sustain the roof of the pit.

露天矿设置露天储煤场。The open coal yard is set on the open pit.

随着一声闷响,她跌进了坑里。With a heavy noise, she fell into the pit.

小孩在沙坑里翻滚着玩。The children tumbled about in the sand pit.

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武夷山绝壁峭壁,深坑巨谷。Wuyi mountain escarpment, pit giant valley.

那种金属同酸接触后是否会起凹点?Does that metal pit after contact with acid?

钢琴被推到乐池里。The piano was pushed into the orchestra pit.