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色彩调和。Colors are in harmony.

我爱新校园的和谐。I love the new campus harmony.

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和谐已经让位给了不和谐。Harmony has yielded to discord.

聚精会神,保持平静和安宁。Internal peace, harmony and foucs.

那么和声被毁了。Now the harmony has been destroyed.

一家和和睦睦,一年开开心心。A harmony and Harmony, a happy year.

安保人员和和谐之钟。Security guard with the Harmony Bell.

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和声可以通过耳朵感知到。Harmony can be sensed through the ears.

因此,阮公屿是与大自然调和的。Islet is in perfect harmony with nature.

安,你看莉莉,她好像有点不大对劲。Ann, look at Lily, she is not in harmony.

虽然如此你可以毁掉和声。But for all that you can destroy harmony.

平准是平均、平衡、协调。Pingzhun means average, balance, harmony.

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俗语说,和气生财嘛。As the saying puts, harmony brings wealth.

中文“河蟹”与“和谐”是谐音。Chinese "crab" and "harmony" is a homonym.

他梦到一块和平与和谐的土地。He dreamed of a land of peace and harmony.

和谐和安乐感有时也会很危险。Harmony and euphoria can be dangerous, too.

在这里,我可以找到平静,祥和,和温暖。I can find peaceness, harmony and warmness.

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在病理,表示身体雍肿。In pathology, state body harmony is swollen.

畜养道德,人民就和合。Keeper of morals, the people on the harmony.

哪儿有和谐,她就把纷争带到哪里。Where there was harmony she brought discord.