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三路军马,各自起兵。The three routes forthwith set off.

他的癞病立刻就洁净了。And forthwith his leprosy was cleansed.

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应该立即清还所欠的款项。The outstanding sum should be settled forthwith.

政府如提出要求,我必须立即全数清还有关债项。On demand , I shall forthwith repay the Indebtedness in full.

毫不犹豫地认识谁的头或手是什么意义那是不可能的。It is not possible to know forthwith whose head or hand is meant.

他指示Vera,在他死后,就要马上毁掉它。He instructed Vera that, after his death, it should be destroyed forthwith.

政府如提出要求,本人必须立即全数清还有关债项。On demand by the Government, I shall forthwith pay the Indebtedness in full.

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就应由屋内出来,到房门口,将房屋封锁七天。He shall go out of the door of the house, and forthwith shut it up seven days.

现在我就将开始你们召唤我上任的被赋予如此高度信任的职务。I shall forthwith commence the duties of the high trust to which you have called me.

对于被判死刑的杀人犯,你们不可取赎命金,因为他应该死。You shall not take money of him that is guilty of blood, but he shall die forthwith.

要是牌手对已经做出的叫牌有疑惑,可以要求澄清。A player may require clarification forthwith if he is in doubt what call has been made.

于是大队人马前去追捕,到了那里,摆好阵势,在安息日那天向他们宣战。And forthwith they went out towards them, and made war against them on the sabbath day.

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德北菲尔德主要依靠这匹老马作小本生意,马一死,生意就立刻垮了。The haggling business, which had mainly depended on the horse, became disorganized forthwith.

直到教会法庭听到你的上诉,我相信你会马上准备的。Until the Ecclesiastical Court can hear your appeal, which I am sure you will forthwith file.

我告诫自己决不能停下来,可一气之下我又决定立即停下来。I told myself that I could never stop, and with a gust of petulance I resolved to stop forthwith.

请将下列物品在具体指明的时间里交货。务请即刻确认你的一致意见。Please deliver the following items on the specified dates. Kindly confirm your agreement forthwith.

惟有一个兵拿枪扎他的肋旁,随即有血和水流出来。But one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side, and forthwith came there out blood and water.

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托运人的指示不能执行的,承运人应当立即通知托运人。If it is impossible to carry out the orders of the shipper, the carrier must so inform him forthwith.

被采访的其他人简短地说禁令不合时宜,应该立即废除。Other people interviewed simply said the ban was a silly anachronism and should be dropped forthwith.

除非是伊拉克新选出来的政府要求所有的外国驻军立刻撤军,他们才会离去。Only if the Iraqis’ own elected government asks all foreign troops to leave forthwith should they leave.