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猪用嘴拱地。Pigs dig earth with the snout.

泰斯拉越过自己的猪嘴巴低头看着这个人类。Tesla looked down his snout at the Human.

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当我们中的一人指出猪嘴as one of us points out the snout of a pig

见威伯正用他的鼻子拱那些稻草。Wilbur was poking the straw with his snout.

它和其他所有的貘一样,它口鼻部分很长,而且灵活。Like all tapirs, it has a long, flexible snout.

它脆弱的地方是眼睛,腮和口鼻部。The vulnerable spots are the eyes, gills and snout.

他将这只毛绒绒生物的嘴巴贴向耳旁聆听著。Pressing the furry critter's snout to his ear, he listens.

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这个冰川湖的一端是冰川的末端,另一端则是一排由冰川搬运来的沉积物和岩石累积而成的冰碛。This glacial lake is bound by the glacier snout on one end, and a

是什么驱使一只鱼龙袭击另一个鱼龙的鼻口部仍未可知。What led one ichthyosaur to bite another on the snout is unknown.

对冰川鼻位置的照片观测必须量化。The photographic observations of snout position must be qualified.

长有管状口鼻,细长的身体表面覆盖有骨盘。Fish with long tubular snout and slim body covered with bony plates.

泰勒冰河,冰川鼻因铁矿而呈红色,融化的雪水缓缓流入邦尼湖。Taylor Glacier, its snout reddened by iron, drains into Lake Bonney.

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随意的看上一眼土豚的身躯和它那长长的猪形鼻子,我们立刻就会想起猪。A glimpse of the aardvark's body and long snout brings the pig to mind.

妇女美貌而无见识,如同金环戴在猪鼻上。Like a gold ring in a pigs snout is a beautiful woman without discretion.

过了好一会儿她终于平静了下来,开始用她的长鼻子嗅我的胳膊。Soon enough she calmed down and rested her long snout against my forearm.

妇人美貌而无见识,如同金环戴在猪鼻上。Like a gold ring in a pig's snout is a beautiful woman without good sense.

狐狸长毛,尖耳,腿相对较短,吻狭长,体型似小或中等而尾蓬松的狗。Foxes have long fur, pointed ears, relatively short legs, and a narrow snout.

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图为一条正在墨西哥湾海底伸展它锯齿般吻的锯鳐。A sawfish stretches its namesake snout across the floor of the Gulf of Mexico.

竹螟是浙江省安吉县的竹子主要害虫。Bamboo snout moth is the main bamboo insect in Anji county, Zhejiang province.

一个变种果子弹起来砸到了因维人的尖嘴,他愠恼地问道。The Invid asked peevishly , as one of the mutant Fruits bounced off his snout.