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他十分经心在意地望着电流计。He was very attentive to the ammeter.

他对客人的招待不很周到。He's not very attentive to his guest.

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他们两个趴着愣愣地凝神细听。The two of them lay rapt and attentive.

要关心儿媳妇或女婿。Be attentive to the daughter or son in law.

每个听众都很留神他说的话。Every audience was attentive to what he said.

蒙妮卡上课时非常专心的听老师讲课。Monica was very attentive to her teacher in class.

还亏得埃米总是对他很和蔼很殷勤。But Emmy had always been good and attentive to him.

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你父亲照顾你周到吗,希刺克厉夫少爷?Is your father attentive to you, Master Heathcliff?

和尚可以预期的不周到的核数师。The monk could have desired no more attentive auditor.

好的结果总是来自对问题的仔细分析.Good results come from attentive analysis of a problem.

你应该注意倾听父母所说的话。You should be attentive to what your parents have said.

当然,他们两个对她的舒适也非常关怀。They were both very attentive to her comfort, certainly.

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在我的工作当中难免有一些服务不周到的地方。In my work has to avoid some service not attentive place.

侍从们出席会议并装出专注的样子。The attendants attend the meeting and pretend to be attentive.

公开和专心的追随对解决问题是必须的。Open and attentive followthrough is necessary to resolve issues.

较之前人之注,杨伦的注解更加体贴入微。Note person than before, Yang Lun's comments even more attentive.

有时,我觉得需要扩大瞳孔才能精神集中。Sometimes, I feel I need to dilate my pupils to remain attentive.

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庭长是个细心周到的人,他大声发言了。The President, an attentive and benevolent man, raised his voice.

所有的员工都乐于助人,非常专注细心,并且易与人相处。All staff were very helpful, attentive and delightful to deal with.

今天是你们最后一堂法语课,所以我请你们一定专心听讲。This is the last class in French, so I beg you to be very attentive.