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柬埔寨将维族骚乱分子驱逐回中国。Cambodia deports Uygurs back to China.

中国和柬埔寨是肝胆相照的好朋友。China and Cambodia are devoted friends.

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我认为柬埔寨就是一个很好的例子。I think Cambodia is a good example of this.

小木屋在一条河上在柬埔寨的暹粒省。Wooden huts on a river in Siem Reap Cambodia.

这一段将最终把我们的视线带往越南语柬埔寨。This brings us finally to Vietnam and Cambodia.

另一个方案将覆盖柬埔寨和老挝。Another program will cover Cambodia and Lao PDR.

柬埔寨从1980年实施了登革热疫情报告制度。Dengue has been reportable in Cambodia since 1980.

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一个柬埔寨的小学生也可以申请Gmail帐号。A schoolchild in Cambodia can have a Gmail account.

他于是又回到柬埔寨,开了个面摊。Huo moved back to Cambodia and opened a noodle stand.

他代表柬埔寨对此再次表示深切谢意。He expressed deep gratitude again on behalf of Cambodia.

柬埔寨方面提出希联合国向柬泰边境地区派兵。Cambodia hopes the UN will send troops to the border area.

当我在柬埔塞时,我会去探望全部的孩子。I am going to check on all of these kids while I am in Cambodia.

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她是柬埔寨报告的首例人类H5感染病例。She is the first human case of H5 infection reported from Cambodia.

中国领导人也将访问日本、南朝鲜和柬埔寨。The Chinese leader will also visit Japan, South Korea and Cambodia.

越南航空公司来回香港至柬埔寨机票乙张。Roundtrip Economy class air ticket for Hong Kong and Cambodia on VN.

一个站立在支桩上的村庄升起在柬埔寨的大湖—洞里萨湖上面。A village on stilts rises from Cambodia 's Great Lake, the Tonle Sap.

2005年,柬埔寨渔业部门放生一条湄公河巨型鲇鱼。Cambodia Fisheries personnel release a Mekong giant catfish in 2005.

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在柬埔寨,疟疾长久以来一直是主要的病因和死因。Malaria has long been a major cause of disease and death in Cambodia.

怕甚麽,还有菲律宾和柬埔寨、缅甸。Why worry? there are still Philipines, Cambodia and Myanmar behind us.

从这个意义上讲,柬埔寨的“红色高棉”是极端的毛主义者。In that sense, the Khmers Rouges of Cambodia were the ultimate Maoists.