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当年的三中全会决定了两件事。The 3rd Plenary Session decided on two things.

开幕式结束后即转入全体会议。Following the ceremony was the plenary meeting.

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刘谦副部长在全体会议上发言。Liu Qian, vice minister spoke at the plenary session.

全体会议通常采纳该委员会的投票结果。The plenary usually accepts the vote of the committee.

全会由中央政治局主持。The plenary session manages by Central Political Bureau.

全会由中央铧政治局主持。Plenary meeting is chaired by central the Political Bureau.

全会由中央政治局主持。Plenary session presided over by the Central Political Bureau.

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大会全体会议正式选举设监票人36名。The plenary assembly official election supposes scrutineer 36.

全体会议是世界卫生大会全体代表会议。Plenary is the meeting of all delegates to the World Health Assembly.

在第三次全体会议当中日本的社长当选人们加入歌唱。Japanese governors-elect join the singing during the third plenary session.

一天晚上,李婶把三个女孩叫到一起,开了一个全体会议。One evening, she summoned all the three girls to hold a plenary conference.

最后,预祝国际奥委会第一百二十次全会圆满成功!In conclusion, may this 120th plenary session of IOC enjoy complete success !

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直到党的十一届三中全会后,才得到平反昭雪。Till the party 3 in after plenary meeting, just get rehabilitating exonerating.

总干事和会员国还在全体会议上发表讲话。The Director-General and Member States also address the delegates at the plenary.

中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会的全体会议是中国政协最高层次的协商形式。Plenary session is regarded as the highest level of consultation form of the CPPCC.

一九五零年,我在三中全会上说过,不要四面出击。At the Third Plenary Session in 1950, I spoke against hitting out in all directions.

香港电台则负责提供开幕典礼及全体会议的现场电视公共讯号。RTHK provided the live 'host' TV feed of the opening ceremonies and plenary sessions.

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本届联大主席戴斯主持了当天的全体会议。The current UN General Assembly President Deiss chaired the plenary session that day.

据悉,这一消息是在计世集团员工大会上公布的。It is reported, this one news announces on plenary meeting of staff of plan age group.

党的地方各级委员会全体会议,每年至少召开两次。The local Party committees at all levels meet in plenary session at least twice a year.