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她知道。She knew.

她撒谎?She lied?

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她去了。She went.

她打饱嗝。She burps.

她哈哈笑起来。She laughs.

她耸耸肩。She shrugs.

她叹口气。She sighed.

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她笑道。She smiles.

她是谁呀?Who is she?

她问道。" she asks.

她人好么?Is she nice?

她脸红了。She blushed.

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她咕哝道。She mumbled.

她感到不寒而栗。She shivers.

她大喊。She shouted.

她没有奶奶。She has none.

她真是一个牛哇。She is a cow.

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她好管闲事。She is nosey.

她非常紧张。She is tense.

她知道为什么。She knew why.