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蔡健雅将会迟婚?Tanya Chua will marry late?

马克和谭雅已经建立起了融洽的关系。Mark and Tanya have established rapport.

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但你是在做一件正确的事,覃娅。But you are doing the right thing, Tanya.

一个叫坦尼娅的年青女子开着一辆小车向她驶来。A young woman named Tanya drives up in a car.

陈淑庄,香港立法会议议员。Tanya Chan, Legislative Councillor of Hong Kong.

表演后,Tanya会感到一丝背痛。After her performance Tanya has a slight backache.

坦尼娅被激怒了,他竟然连一句抱歉都没说。Tanya was incensed that he just couldn't say sorry.

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泰瑞在车上认出了一间餐馆,她请坦尼娅将车停在路边。Teri asks Tanya to pull over when she recognizes a restaurant.

当坦尼娅质问他这一点时,他给了她一个随意带过的答复。When Tanya challenged him about this he gave her a throwaway reply.

说来也怪,他最后想到的才是他心爱的塔尼娅。Strangely enough, the last thing he thought of was his beloved Tanya.

作为盟军,造世纪轰炸机然后可以考虑用一个来装谭雅。As Allies go for Century Bombers and consider loading one up with Tanya.

坦尼娅主动提出载她一程,泰瑞并没有其它选择,她接受了这个好意。Tanya offers to give her a ride, and with no other option, Teri accepts.

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老师将坦雅作文里几个用字不当的地方划线删除。The teacher crossed out several incorrect words in Tanya , s composition.

2005年,坦妮娅品托曾是德州达拉斯的一名成功年轻女商人。In 2005, Tanya Pinto was a successful young businesswoman in Dallas, Texas.

在你投弹以后,让谭雅跳伞,然后用她干掉更多的建筑。After your bombing run drop off Tanya and let her spread the pain some more.

驾车的女子坦尼娅,看到了泰瑞的婚戒,向她问起了她的丈夫。Tanya the woman driving sees Teri’s wedding band and asks about her husband.

马克也将身体往前倾,谭雅微笑他也微笑,谭雅点头他也点头。Mark too leans forward on his elbows, smiling as Tanya smiles, nodding as she nods.

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但我们不会,事实上,歌手蔡健雅也只是带着一丁点忌妒向我们抱怨了几句。But we don't, in fact, as fellowsinger and bud Tanya Chua has told us a tad enviously.

坦尼娅只能留在举行生日派对的那个酒店的大堂里等着他。Tanya was left hanging around in the foyer of the hotel where the party was being held.

当坦尼娅得知马克与第三者暗中亲热对她不忠时,她对他搞两面派怒不可遏。When Tanya learned that Mark had been two-timing her, she was furious at his duplicity.