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图1带有鹅颈汲取管的钢瓶。Fig. 1 Cylinder with gooseneck dip tube.

这样鹅颈管就伸到了液体里面。This puts the gooseneck into the liquid.

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小巧鹅颈可以精确放置在嘴边。Miniature gooseneck for precise postioning near the user's mouth.

这个组包括套洗管总成,鹅颈管和冲击钻组合。This group consists of wash pipe assembly, gooseneck and hammer union.

另一种阀门结构称为鹅颈排放管。Another type of valve configuration is called the gooseneck eductor tube.

高弓或购买如果你有嘴鹅颈壶和浅量大。Buy high arch or gooseneck spouts if you have large pots and shallower sinks.

纳亚尔递给我可弯折的台灯,催促我赶快在显示器前挥挥看。Nayar handed me a gooseneck lamp and urged me to wave it in front of the display.

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您可以调整头带,线框和鹅颈头,以适应任何尺寸或形状。You can adjust the headband, wireframe, and gooseneck to fit any head size or shape.

确定了鹅颈管的阻力系数,并导出了它的经验计算式。Head loss coefficients of gooseneck have been determined and empirical formulas are given.

鹅颈式架子似乎也可以—但是麦克线可以很容易就让它移动位置。A gooseneck stand adapter may work — but the gooseneck will move easily if the mic cable pulls on it.

在鹅颈与货台之间增加一偏心装置,可实现刚性连接。A piece of eccentricity equipment is added between gooseneck and cargo table to realize the rigidity connection.

改进连续油管作业装置的结构,不用导向架是延长连续油管使用时间的有效途径。In order to increase coiled tubing work time, the structure in coiled tubing system is improved without gooseneck.

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鹅颈管只伸入钢瓶内部较短的距离,弯曲到阀门排气口对面的钢瓶内侧。The gooseneck goes only a short distance into the cylinder and then bends to the cylinder side opposite the valve outlet.

冲管盘根总成采用盒式结构,可在钻台上迅速更换,不须拆下水龙带和鹅颈管。Washpipe packing set assembly adopts cassette structure. It can be exchanged quickly without disassemble rotary hose and gooseneck.

用户使用证明,从根本上避免了小鹅颈下翼面疲劳裂纹的产生。It is proved by the operating experiences that the fatigue cracks in lower side of the "gooseneck"have been substantially eliminated.

固定于注入头顶部的鹅颈将挠性管柱从卷筒绕着一个受控制的半径送入注入头。The gooseneck mounted on top of the injector head feeds the tubing string from the reel around a controlled radius into the injector head.

这种结构同鹅颈管很相似,但鹅颈管的入口与阀门排气口的方向一致。This configuration is very similar to the gooseneck, but the inlet to the gooseneck is oriented in the same direction as the valve outlet.

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鹅颈管的“组合效应”改变了其几何组成部分的水流特性,而遵循其固有的运动规律。The flow characteristics of geometric component of the gooseneck is changed due to "composite effect", and it follows an original motion law.

通过在小鹅颈过渡区增加L形加强板,从而大大改善了局部弯曲应力。Affer adding a L-shaped strengthened plate on transition region of the "gooseneck", the bending stress in this area has been evidently improved.

这是从一个饭盒,老式相机,歌剧玻璃零件,馅饼服务器,弹簧,鹅颈灯的一部分,布料杆顶尖,时钟键,锡杯。It was fashioned from a lunch box, camera, opera glass parts, pie servers, springs, gooseneck lamp part, drapery rod finial, clock key, and tin cups.