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作为我们外交政策基础的原则是健全的。The principles which underlie our foreign policy are sound.

这种重构被认为是学习与记忆的基础。This remodeling is thought to underlie learning and memory.

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你曾否想过铁道下方的那些枕木是什么?Did you ever think what those sleepers are that underlie the railroad?

有人认为它是某些人类行为的原因。it's argued to underlie certain interesting aspects of human responses.

CD44功能缺陷似乎是皮肤萎缩发病的基础。Defective CD44 functioning appears to underlie the pathogenesis of atrophy.

这些基因含有一个精确的体重调节系统。These genes underlie a weight-regulating system that is remarkably precise.

据信关于土地问题由来以久的争议也引发了许多冲突。Long-running disputes over land are thought to underlie many of the clashes.

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下层保持着独立性,在主结构以下还有宽大的贩卖窗口。The lower floors are separated with large shop-windows that underlie tectonics.

这可能是腺苷参与镇痛的突触前抑制机制之一。This might be one of the mechanisms that underlie presynaptic inhibition in DRG.

我深爱着这个台灯,这是一个牵连着父子情深的台灯。I am in love with this lamp, which is an affectionate father and son underlie lamp.

现在科学家们已经发现了这一现象背后的大脑变化。Now researchers have uncovered the changes in the brain that underlie that phenomenon.

多个肋边定位为至少部分地在使用者脚下方。The plurality of ribs being positioned to at least partially underlie a foot of a user.

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控制血糖似乎是强化治疗抗高血压作用的基础。Glycemic control appeared to underlie the antihypertensive effects of intensive therapy.

网络特征的改变可能构成帕金森氏病异常感觉融合基础。These alterations of network properties may underlie abnormal sensorimotor integration in PD.

卢因关注基于个人行为的动机和有关动机的概念。Lewin focused on motivation and the motivational concepts that underlie an individual's behavior.

据作者称,所观察到的疲劳度变化的背后机制目前仍不清楚。According to the authors, the mechanisms that underlie the observed changes in fatigue are unclear.

这些细节是构成诸如线程同步以及酷睿i7处理器的需求这样高水平的内容的基础。These details underlie higher level topics like thread synchronization and the need for the Core i7.

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基因组学的中心法则只是该研究领域内研究假设的一个简短说明。The Central Dogma of Genomics is a concise summary of the basic assumptions that underlie this field.

虽然尚未揭示自省过程背后的机制,但是之后肯定会有相关研究的。They do not yet reveal the neural mechanisms that underlie introspection but that will surely follow".

这个发现假设ANS的缺陷可能是导致实验组孩子们数学学习困难的原因。This finding suggests that problems with the ANS may underlie math difficulties for children in this group.