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污渍去除后一定要漂洗干净。After the besmirch purify must rinse clean.

当污渍去除后,还要用清水漂洗干净。When besmirch purify, even after rinse clean.

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这种办法去除化妆品污渍较理想。This way, remove cosmetic besmirch is more ideal.

他是有意损害她的名声。He had deliberately set out to besmirch her reputation.

清洗污渍时不可使用酸碱液体。Soda acid liquid cannot be used when cleaning besmirch.

去渍方法应根据污渍特点灵活运用方法。Through the method of characteristics of besmirch flexibly.

用温水冲刷,对其他污渍只需重复该动作。Wash with warm water, for other besmirch simply repeat the action.

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在装饰前须保证板面干燥、清洁、没有粉末及油迹。To ensure there is no moisture, dust, powder or besmirch before decoration.

报刊上那些恶意中伤的报道败坏了该社团全体成员的名声。The scandalous remarks in the newspaper besmirch the reputations of every member of the society.

爱情太美好,太高贵,他又是太忠诚的情人,他不能用批评指责来玷污它。Love was too fine and noble, and he was too loyal a lover for him to besmirch love with criticism.

可以试试用刀将污渍直接刮走,不过要很小心,不要留下了难看的疤痕。Can try try out knife to blow besmirch directly, want nevertheless very careful, did not leave ugly scar.

每月打一次蜡也是最好的保养方法,但是打蜡前要将水汽和污渍擦干净。Hitting candle every months also is best maintain method, but before waxing, should mix lunt besmirch wipe up.

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每月打一次蜡也是很有必要的,但是打蜡前要将水气和污渍擦干净。Hitting candle every months also is very be necessary, but before waxing, should mix hydrosphere besmirch wipe up.

在一篇文章中他流露出他的真正目的是要利用吸收外来移民和贫穷这些问题来败坏以色列的名声。In an article he reveals that his real aim is to use the problems of immigrant absorption and poverty to besmirch the name of Israel.

如遇上果汁污渍,用1茶匙苏打粉与清水调匀,再用布沾上擦抹,污渍便会减退。If meet fruit juice besmirch, with pink of 1 teaspoon soda and clear water smooth, reoccupy cloth is touched brush, besmirch can drop.

当遇到较难清洁的表面或污渍太厚时,可以少加水,增加浓度,达到清洁效果。When meeting the more difficult to clean surface or besmirch is too thick, can add water, increase the concentration, less to clean effect.

色素污渍品种较多,要根据污渍的颜色、性质以及纤维质料,分别采用不同的去渍剂,采取不同的方法去除。Pigment besmirch, according to the variety of colours, nature and the besmirch of fiber materials, we adopt different prebrushing agent, adopt different method.

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药品包装生产时的质量问题主要有药片或胶囊的漏装、缺损、污渍和漏粉等等。The quality question in packing the tablet and the capsule is mainly including miss placed, body deformity, besmirch and the transudatory powder of capsule and so on.

假如污渍仍在,可用专用的地毯喷雾剂喷射污渍,让它变成粉状,然后可按照普通吸尘将污渍吸去。If besmirch still is in, can use besmirch of eject of agent of appropriative carpet sparge, let it become farinaceous , can suck besmirch according to common aspiration next.

他希望做出像自洁面料这样的东西,自洁面料的棉布中添加了酶,只需用水即可激活,从而达到去除污渍之效。He hoped to do like consecrated themselves fabric of this stuff, and consecrated themselves fabrics of cotton cloth, simply adding enzyme water can activate, thus reach purify besmirch effect.