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警句是最好的东西!Epigram is the best!

他有妙语连珠的天分。He has a genius for epigram.

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他不追求夸张的警句。He fashioned no stilted epigram.

我们可把这一命题表达为一个短句。We can express this statement as an epigram.

最好是那些警句,那是最好的忠告。Epigram is the best! Is the most perfect advice.

一个突如其来的形象或警句突然把意境照亮。Sunddly a image or epigram light up the whole mood.

一个突如其来的形象或警句突然把意境照亮。Suddenly a surprising image or epigram will light up the scene.

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中国古代官箴是以一种劝诫文体表达出来的“为官之道”。Ancient Chinese "Guanzhen" is a kind of epigram of administration.

“除了诱惑我什么都能够抵制”是句非常有趣的隽语。I can resist everything except temptation" is a very interesting epigram ."

“除了诱惑我什麽都能够抵制”是句非常有趣的隽语。" I can resist everything except temptation " is a very interesting epigram.

自我在股市结束警句,而投资价值的成功。Self epigram at the end of the stock market, while the value of investment success.

“不像她的竞争者,”西勒顿·杰克逊先生说,那神气像是在讲一句至理名言。"Like her rivals, " said Mr. Sillerton Jackson, withthe air of producing an epigram.

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但总的来说格言的简洁凝炼是与现代格言警句相类似的。But as a rule the terseness and point of the maxim approximate to the modern epigram.

僧侣史诗,浪漫主义,讽刺和警句成为被那个时代的诗人所普遍采用的形式。Mock epic, romance, satire and epigram were popular forms adopted by poets of the time.

警句是一半的真理,讲一半以便相信另一半的人。Epigram is a half-truth so stated as to irritate the person who believes the other half.

警句是一半的真理,只讲一半以便激怒相信另一半的人。An epigram is a half-truth so stated as to irritate the person who believes the other half.

我记不起是谁说的警句了,人的一半是天使,一半是野兽。I didn ' t remember who said the epigram that half of a person is angel and the other half is beast.

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他擅作警句格言。确实,他的天分让我们渴望偶尔伸搌一下悠闲的平庸。His gift for epigram is indeed such as to make us long for an occasional stretch of leisurely commonplace.

他对警句的天赋,确实让我们从平凡中领悟到不平凡的意义。His gift for epigram is, indeed, such as to make us long for an occasional stretch of leisurely commonplace.

联桥夫人不时谈及自己的性情,总用一句警句指出她的人生哲学。Now and then, apropos of nothing save her own mood, Mrs. Bracebridge would indicate her philosophy of life in an epigram.