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她的紧身马甲是用起皱的料子做的。Her bodice was made of crinkly material.

仔细检查“血疱”,发现其为一只卷缩肢体,吞食鼓膜的蜱。Microscope " hematic blister " , discover its are a crinkly limbs, devour tympanic tick.

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我享受着柔软的丝绸手套戴在苍老干皱的手上一页页翻动它们时的感觉。I savor the feeling of the crinkly old skins through silk gloves, turning them page by page.

美国内战之中,一个有着卷曲头发,活泼眼睛的黑人小女奴争取着属于自己作为主人的权利。A little black slave girl of ante-bellum days, with crinkly hair and saucy eyes, demands her rights of her mistress.

他黑色的卷发凌乱的散发着野性气息,但是他的皮肤看上去很光滑,牙齿是发亮的白色。His crinkly black hair was tangled and wild, but his dark skin was smooth and perfect, his teeth white and straight.

既然鱼怎么也不会从盘子上下来,他们就把它放进厨房里的炉火中,皱纹纸做的炉火通红,但是也烧不起来。As the fish would not come off the plate, they put it into the red-hot crinkly paper fire in the kitchen, but it would not burn either.

马车叮叮当当走掉了,让马丁留在那里猜想着他手里摸着的这个皱巴巴的纸团是什么意思。The bell clanged and the car pulled out, leaving Martin wondering as to the nature of the crinkly , greasy wad he clutched in his hand.

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该薄夹层包括毫米至厘米厚的平面和波状纹层,并标示着物理过程和微生物沉积的圈闭。The laminites consist of millimeter- to centimeter-thick planar and crinkly laminations indicative of both physical processes and microbial trapping of sediment.

非感染性皮下气肿常见原因有肺或消化道穿孔、冲击伤、皮肤溃疡、气枪伤、拔牙和用过氧化氢冲洗伤口。Crepitus is a clinical symptom in medicine that is characterized by a peculiar crackling, crinkly , or grating feeling or sound under the skin, around the lungs, or in the joints.

这种机器与传统的点心机几乎具有相同的大小与形状。货架上陈列的新鲜的产品被包装在小巧的、透明的塑料袋内,而这些袋子曾经装着的是薯片。Exactly the same size and shape as a conventional snack machine, the fresh produce on its shelves was packaged in small, opaque, crinkly bags similar to the sort of bags crisps come in.