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房祖名是迈克尔杰克逊的粉丝。Jaycee is a fan of Michael Jackson.

29岁的杜加尔德和她11岁和15岁的2个孩子生活在菲利普和楠茜.加里多屋后搭的简易棚子里,几乎一无所有。Nancy and Phillip Garrido arrested for kidnap of Jaycee Lee Dugard

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1991年,名叫瑞丝。达甘德的女孩在上学途中被强行拐上一辆车。The child Jaycee Dugard was forced into a car on her way to school in 1991.

成龙于1982年与林凤娇结婚并育有一子一一演员、歌手房祖名。Jackie has been married to Lin Feng-Jiao since 1982 and has a son , actor-singer Jaycee Chan.

瑞丝。达甘德还在人世的故事被披露,并且还登上了美国早餐节目的头版头条。The discovery of Jaycee Dugard alive and well was headline news on America's breakfast shows.

影片的主演成龙和他歌手兼演员的儿子房祖名一并出现在剧照中。The lead actor, Jackie Chan, and his singer-actor son, Jaycee Chan, were seen in the pictures.

2015年2月14日,周六,成龙之子,香港演员房祖名在北京一家酒店里举行的新闻发布会上鞠躬道歉,并请求再给他一次机会。Hong Kong actor Jaycee Chan bows after a news conference at a hotel in Beijing Saturday, Feb. 14, 2015.

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成龙的儿子房祖名,是一名歌手和演员,但没有遵循父亲的足迹作一个动作明星。Chan's son, Jaycee , is a singer and actor but has not followed in his father's footsteps as an action star.

自从杰西·李加德1991年在加州南塔霍湖一个公车站旁被诱拐以来,再也没有人见过她。Nobody had spotted Jaycee Lee Dugard since she was abducted near a bus stop in 1991 in South Lake Tahoe, Calif.

瑞丝与其绑架者所生的几个孩子据称从来没去看过医生,他们也从来没去过学校上学。The children that Jaycee had with her kidnapper were told have never been to a doctor and they have never been to school.

菲利普加里多呼吁房祖名加尔德绑架“感人的故事菲利浦和南希加里表示不认罪绑架房祖名加尔德。Phillip Garrido calls Jaycee Dugard kidnapping a "heartwarming story Phillip and Nancy Garrido pleaded not guilty to kidnapping Jaycee Dugard."

警方在房祖名的家中搜出了超过3.5盎司的大麻,随后逮捕了32岁的房祖名,他的朋友23岁的台湾影星柯震东也与他一起被捕。Jaycee Chan, 32, and his Taiwanese movie star friend Kai Ko, 23, were both detained by police after more than 3.5ounces of marijuana were found at Jaycee's home.

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我第一个要接受组织的批评,对被害者我很抱歉,并且我接受为错过较早时候的机会营救杰西而负责。I am first in line to offer organizational criticism, offer my apologies to the victims and have accepted responsibility for having missed an earlier opportunity to rescue Jaycee.

8月14日,31岁的房祖名与台湾电影明星柯震东一道被拘留,成为了中国当局反毒行动中落网的最有名名人。Jaycee Chan, 31, became the highest profile celebrity to be ensnared in an anti-drug crackdown by Chinese authorities when he was detained on August 14 along with Taiwanese movie star Ko Kai.