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你应该用它来创造世界,Marduk正是这样做的。You build a world, and that's what Marduk did.

从理论上说,国王也只不过是太阳神马杜克的代言人。In theory the king was no more than an agent of Marduk.

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就这样达成了协议,Marduk在战争中挫败了。Tiamat And the agreement is struck. And Marduk fells Tiamat in battle.

为了帮助马尔杜克,美索不达米亚人举行了新年的节日。To assist Marduk in his struggle the Mesopotamians held a festival for the New Year.

他通过建立天体来遵循最初的宇宙秩序,就像Marduk所做的一样。And he follows that initial ordering by setting up celestial bodies, just as Marduk did.

美索不达米亚国王将回到马杜克神庙,并发誓忠实于神。The Mesopotamian king would return to the temple of Marduk and swear his faithfulness to the god.

每年进入冬季,人们认为马尔杜克将尽战斗的怪物的混乱。Each year as winter arrived it was believed that Marduk would do battle with the monsters of chaos.

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众神惶恐,他们需要一个率领他们的头领,与Tiamat的军队征战,他们向Marduk寻求帮助。The gods are terrified and they need a leader to lead them against her army and they turn to Marduk.

按惯例国王年底牺牲后,将返回战场与马尔杜克并肩作战。The traditions called for the king to die at the end of the year and to return with Marduk to battle at his side.

接着举办了盛宴,Marduk受到了赞美,为他所取得的一切成就,他建立了王权,Enuma,Elish也就结束了。And a big banquet follows and Marduk is praised for all that he's accomplished, and his kingship is confirmed and Enuma Elish ends.

主要的神援引迦勒魔术鄂,来源的所有智慧和马尔杜克他的儿子,谁继承了他父亲的知识。The principal god invoked in Chaldean Magic were Ea, source of all wisdom, and Marduk his son, who had inherited his father's knowledge.

太阳则必须滚过天际,他们对此不快,他们也想在工作之余休息,在他们自己的居所里活动,于是,Marduk同意了这个请求。And the sun has to trundle across the sky, and they're pretty unhappy about this and they want relief from working And laboring at their assigned stations and so Marduk accedes to this demand.