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裸奔是有书面记载的最古老的玩笑之一。Streaking is one of the oldest tricks in the book.

头部全白,仅有一些局限于后颈的纤细纵纹。The head is whitish with some fine streaking restricted to nape.

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它们并不会在我的头脑里一闪即逝,撞向我的灵魂深处。They aren't streaking across my mind and crashing into my psyche.

它们并不会在我的头脑里一闪即逝,撞向我的灵魂深处。They aren’t streaking across my mind and crashing into my psyche.

好吧,那个裸奔的吟游诗人在哪?我们得把这事摆平。OK, where is the streaking Minstrel?We've got to put an end to this.

19世纪80年代,裸奔不再流行,但它从未完全消失。Streaking went out of style in the 1980's, but it never fully disappeared.

呈褐色有条纹的头部,黑色的眼睛和遮蔽耳朵的眼罩。The head was brownish with dark streaking and a dark eye and ear-covert patch.

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专家说,一颗明亮的绿色彗星这个星期正在划过清晨的天空。A bright green comet is streaking across early morning skies this week, experts say.

今天,我把父母从监狱里保释出来了,他们觉得裸奔挺好玩的。Today, I had to bail both my parents out of jail. They'd thought it would be fun to go streaking.

不过,罗德里格斯当天裸奔没跑几步便被拦下,随即遭警方逮捕。However, Rodriguez did not run a few steps the day of streaking will be stopped, then was arrested.

莎拉把汤姆带出来,到坟墓旁边,一抹白色的防晒霜横在他的鼻头上。Sarah brings out Tom to the side of the grave, a white smear of sun cream streaking across his nose.

经灵验厨房清洁剂抹过的瓷砖面清洁明亮,不留半点痕迹。The tile treated with L. O. C. Plus Kitchen Cleaner shows a clear, shiny surface with no streaking !

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雨刮片很便宜,通常我们都是等到刮后有水痕或者刮的过程中雨刮器跳动才考虑更换。Wiper refills are cheap and we usually only think about them when they start streaking and skipping.

将清洁剂直接喷洒在布上以防溢射碰到汽车内饰。Spray the cleaner directly on the cloth to avoid streaking and getting the cleaner on the upholstery.

他们需要在第一轮打翻连胜的开拓者才能获得拉湖人下台的升天机会。They'll need to upset streaking Portland in the first round to earn a potential shot to dethrone the Lakers.

上面影像拍摄的是火流星在美国怀俄明州杰克逊湖后方的提顿山脉上空。Pictured above, the fireball was photographed streaking above Teton mountains behind Jackson Lake, Wyoming, USA.

来自北部天空的中微子沿着岩层指向冰面的方向高速向上穿过探测器。Northern-sky neutrinos come streaking upward through the detector, from the bedrock toward the surface of the ice.

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在19世纪70年代,裸奔是一项很流行的玩笑,一种勇气的表现,大学新生也通常做此声明。In the 1970's streaking was a popular prank, a display of courage, and a general right of passage for college freshmen.

轻微的条纹或水点,因其可视为电镀或转换烤漆的一个正常部分,则认为可接受。Light streaking or water spotting occurring as a normal part of the plating or conversion coating process is acceptable.

在这张照片里,水星地表火山口附近呈浅蓝色和棕色,还有某种物质形成的长长亮纹。But in this view its terrain shows light blue and brown areas near craters and long bright rays of material streaking the surface.