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口腔粘膜白斑病是一种严峻的口腔粘膜癌变前疾病。Oral leukoplakia is an important premalignant lesion of the oral mucosa.

单纯型子宫内膜增生可导致出血,但不至于成为癌前病变。Simple endometrial hyperplasias can cause bleeding, but are not thought to be premalignant.

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结论天然胡萝卜素对DMBA诱发的动物口腔癌前病变有逆转作用。Conclusion Natural carotene could effectively revert DMBA-induced oral premalignant lesion in hamsters.

H3常见于癌前病变,因此其可能在癌症发生中发挥作用。B7-H3 is frequently found in premalignant lesions, so it may play a role in the actual formation of cancer.

结论烟草特异性亚硝胺对地鼠颊粘膜有较大危害,可引起粘膜癌前病变。Conclusion TSNA is harmful to the hamster's cheek pouch mucosa and is possible to induce premalignant lesions.

这是由于增加的棘手性、疾病并发症和疾病癌前病变的本质。This is caused by increasing intractability, disease complications, and the premalignant nature of the disease.

然而癌前病变是已经公认的肠化生还是更难于探及的不典型增生。Yet is the premalignant lesion the readily recognized intestinal metaplasia or the more difficult to detect dysplasia?

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我们的研究也表明慢性炎症的早期阶段可以看作是癌前病变”。These findings suggest also that the early stages of chronic inflammation might be considered a premalignant condition.

这些衍生细胞株可能代表着由正常细胞向恶性细胞多步骤进展过程中不同的癌前阶段。Those derived cell variants may represent different premalignant stages in the progression from normal cells to malignant cells.

公认的肠化生或更难发现的异型增生是否做为癌前病变得到检测?Is the premalignant lesion to be detected the readily recognized intestinal metaplasia or the more difficult to detect dysplasia?

前列腺癌前病变如前列腺上皮内瘤也存在DNA甲基化,但程度相对较低。DNA methylation has also been found in premalignant lesions such as prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia, but to a less extent compared with that in prostate cancer.

其它恶性的肿瘤被加到警告和注意事项中。苯达莫司汀治疗的病人中有恶性肿瘤和恶性肿瘤前的的报道。Other malignant neoplasms were added to warnings and precautions, noting reports of premalignant and malignant diseases that developed in patients treated with bendamustine.