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他岂能亨通呢。Shall he prosper?

愿神灵保佑我们的城市繁荣!May the gods prosper our city!

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凡他所做的都顺利。In all that they do, they prosper.

我希望中国成功和繁荣。We want China to succeed and prosper.

勿须说,吴先生不会成功。Needless to say, Mr Wu didn't prosper.

莫迪的信息存在于和平与繁荣中。Modi message is live in peace and prosper.

离开了它卓有远见的领袖这个公司还能繁荣吗?Can it prosper without its visionary leader?

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目的是要繁荣越剧。The goal is must prosper the Shaoxing opera.

民主终有一天会在这个国家发扬光大。Democracy will one day prosper in the country.

繁荣之中我感谢生活,它给我热量.I thank living during prosper ,it brought me heat.

白云区文化、教育、体育事业蓬勃发展。Baiyun District, culture, education, sports prosper.

穆巴拉克政府的朋友们也都鸡犬升天了。Close friends of the Mubarak government also prosper.

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为了不断发展,伊拉克政府必须同双方都搞好关系。It needs good relations with both if it is to prosper.

而如果分歧演变为冲突,则分则两伤。Nobody will prosper if disagreements become conflicts.

我们的祖国一定会更加的繁荣昌盛的。Our motherlands certainly prosper the prosperous more.

若要搞活经济,定要繁荣市场。In order to enliven economy, we must prosper the market.

只有发展商业,才能繁荣经济。Only commercial development can make the economy prosper.

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别了,绿袖,再会,我祝愿你幸福快乐。GREensleeves now farewell, adieu, God I pray to prosper thee.

是大地的泪点,使她的浅笑连结着青春不谢。想知道关于描写秋天的句子。It is the tears of the earth that keep here smiles in prosper.

迪拜繁荣所需要的技能在西方极大丰富。The skills Dubai needs to prosper are most abundant in the West.