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它们的前脚有五枚爪子,后脚则为四枚。There are five claws on the forefeet and four on the rear.

如果你把前脚高高搭在墙上,我就可以爬上你的背出去。If you put your forefeet high up on the wall, I will climb up your back and get out.

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他把两只前脚搭在墙上,狐狸轻易地就爬了出去,并开始要离去了。He put his forefeet on the wall and the fox easily climbed out and started to go away.

环绕在后跟脚后方、像是贴紧杯子的把手、和脚指形成自然的拱形。The rear feet, like the forefeet , are rounded, close-cupped, well padded with toes well arched.

它的四肢修长但每只脚只有四个脚趾,不像狗的前肢有五个脚趾。These long-legged canines have only four toes per foot, unlike other dogs, which have five toes on their forefeet.

门没开,于是,小驴儿坐下来,拿出琵琶,用两只前脚弹奏动听的音乐。But when they didn't open the gate he sat down, took his lute and played enchanting music on it with his two forefeet.

前足爪笔直指向前面,脚趾圆拱,脚垫深,中间两根脚趾比外围的两根脚趾略长。The forefeet point straight ahead, and are well arched with deep pads and the two center toes are slightly in advance of the two outer toes.

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你将你的前腿放到墙上,弯下头,我跳到你的背上后就能离开这口井,然后再帮你离开。You will place your forefeet upon the wall and bend your head down. I will run up your back and escape, and help you out afterwards. " said the fox."

比格向前迈了一步,老鼠发出一声长长的尖叫,好像在唱一首挑战之歌。Bigger advanced a step and the rat emitted a long thin song of defiance, its black beady eyes glittering, its tiny forefeet pawing the air restlessly.

目的探讨足前部毁损伤早期修复、足前部缺损重建以及足前掌部离断再植的临床效果。Objective To report the clinical effects of early repair of seriously damaged forefeet, reconstruction of forefeet defect and replantation of amputated forefeet.