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他不喝汤。He ate no soup.

我吃得太饱了。I ate too much.

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我们吃下这条鱼。We ate the fish.

亚当吃了苹果。Adam ate the apple.

一条澳洲野狗吃了我的孩子。A dingo ate my baby!

吃你吃剩的东西。He ate food you left.

我吃了一碗饭。I ate a bowl of rice.

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一个苹果夏娃吃了。The one that Eve ate.

中午时本人们吃了一顿饭。At noon we ate a meal.

我吃带骨的鱼。I ate fish with bones.

大家吃生冷食物。Everyone ate cold food.

他吃被煮的肉。He ate the cooked meat.

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所有油炸的我都吃。I ate everything fried.

生吞了那家伙。And ate the fellow, raw.

吃了,我几分钟前吃了饭。I ate a few minutes ago.

泡了太多的漂白粉。That ate too much teal ?

谁动了全部生菜叶?。Who Ate All the Lettuce?

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当天,他美美地饱餐了一顿。That day,he ate his fill.

我的上衣被酸性的东西腐蚀了个洞。Acid ate holes in my suit.

孔子也吃大蒜。Confucius ate garlic, too.