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你能像只鹰马般跳舞吗?Can you dance like a Hippogriff?

很容易动怒,因此你们不要想侮辱一只鹰马。Very easily offended, you do not want to insult a hippogriff.

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首先你们要记住的是,鹰马是一种非常骄傲的生物。First thing you wanna know about hippogriff is that they're very proud creatures.

比如鹰头马身有翼兽巴克比克在只在某些场景完成了制作。For example Buckbeak the Hippogriff was nearly done in some scenes, but not finished in other scenes.

据主题公园官方网站称,通过海格的小屋可以乘坐鹰头马身有翼兽游乐设施。Hagrid's Hut, as stated by the theme park's website, will lead into the Flight of the Hippogriff ride.

食死徒可以拥有蛇,龙,或鹰头马身有翼兽。但只有伏地魔可以拥有蛇怪。Death Eater may also own snake or dragon or hippogriff. But only Lord Voldemort may possess a basilisk.

接着我就站起身来说了自己的理由。我说巴克比克是一头很好的鹰头马身有翼兽,总是爱整理自己的羽毛。And then I got up and did my piece. Said how Buckbeak was a good hippogriff , always cleaned his feathers.

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关于鹰马你首先要知道他们的个性非常骄傲,也很容易生气,所以千万不要冒犯鹰马。First thing you wanna know about hippogriff is they're very proud creatures. Very easily offended. You do not want to insult a hippogriff.

拍摄在英格兰萨里的弗吉尼亚淡水湖周围的湖区和树林里进行,囚徒中的鹰头马身有翼兽场景就是在这里拍摄的。Filming was taking place at the lake and wooded areas near Virginia Water Lake in Surrey, England, where the Hippogriff scenes from Prisoner of Azkaban were filmed.

摄魂怪吓人的程度取决于丹尼尔•雷德克利夫恐惧的反应,鹰头马身有翼兽也要依靠演员的表现才能变得可爱温柔。A dementor can only be as scary as how Daniel Radcliffe reacts in fear, and the hippogriff is only going to be as cute and tender as the reactions of the actors toward the hippogriff.