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热那亚弩兵是精锐弩兵,装备镶甲和全身巨盾。Superior Italian crossbow unit armoured with brigandine and a pavise.

热那亚巨盾弩兵是精锐弩兵,装备镶甲和全身巨盾。Superior Italian crossbow garrison unit armoured with brigandine and a pavise.

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步行波耶骑兵身穿轻型链甲或镶甲,手持长斧,极为骁勇善战。These young adventurers wear light mail or light brigandine armour and carry an axe.

扈从骑兵身穿镶片皮甲,手持骑枪和长剑,冲锋威力亦颇为惊人。Wearing brigandine armour, and armed with a lance and sword, this unit is capable of devastating charges.

轻骑兵们装备轻型链甲或镶甲,手持骑枪长剑,作战十分出色。Very fast, these elite lancers are equipped with light mail or brigandine armour and armed with lance and sword.

轻火枪骑兵身穿鳞甲,使用轻型火绳枪和长剑进行作战。These horsemen wield the lightweight caliver and are equipped with brigandine armour and a sword for close quarters encounters.

因满族尚白,清宫廷春联用白纸,蓝边包于外,红条镶于内。Because of the manchu qing palace is white, white, blue edge with Spring Festival couplets bag on outside, red stripes brigandine within.

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由于财力颇丰,他们装备精良,身穿轻型链甲或镶甲,挥动长斧冲入敌阵,无论骑马厮杀或步行作战都十分剽悍。Able to afford good equipment, these young adventurers wear light mail or light brigandine armour and carry an axe for fighting dismounted.

尽管也装备鳞甲长剑用于近战厮杀,但他们已经把来去如风和火枪齐射的优势诠释得淋漓尽致。Equipped with brigandine armour and a sword for close quarters encounters, they have mastered the art of effectively using a firearm whilst riding at speed.

这些职业战士穿着钉甲,手握弓箭。虽然可以骑马奔赴战场,却仍步行战斗。These professional soldiers carry a bow and are protected by brigandine armour, as well as having a horse to ride to battle on, despite still fighting on foot.

他们身穿轻型链甲或镶甲,以便射箭时得到良好防护,同时,高贵血统亦令得他们即便对近身厮杀亦面无惧色。Their light mail or brigandine armour gives them adequate protection while firing their bows, and their aristocratic upbringing gives them the stomach for close combat if required.

意大利民族对弩弓的钟爱天下闻名,热那亚人更为视弩如命,因此将领们不惜为弩弓部队装备镶甲、全身巨盾和长剑。Italians are world renowned for their love of the crossbow, none more so then the Genoese . These wealthy militia are equipped with brigandine armour, a large Pavise style shield, and a sword.