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伯顿希望如此。Burton hopes so.

战争使人们对和平的希望落了空。War belied hopes for peace.

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战争使人们对和平的希望落空了。War belied hopes for peace.

这场战争使他所有的希望都化成了泡影。The war cut off all his hopes.

他们的一切希望都破灭了。All their hopes were destroyed.

不过巴克莱希望不要搬迁.But Barclays hopes not to move.

这并没有抑制它们的希望。It does not dampen their hopes.

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希望已被风吹得七零八碎。My hopes the wind done scattered.

她希望有一天能访问芜湖。She hopes to visit Wuhu some day.

他的讲话使我的一切希望都破灭了。What he said killed all my hopes.

人生由希望与忧愁交织而成。Hopes and fear chequer human life.

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和平解决的希望成为泡影。Hopes of a peace settlement faded.

整个行业莫不希望能如他所言。The entire industry hopes they do.

那骗子用希望引诱她。The swindler allured her by hopes.

她的希望迅速破灭。Her hopes were quickly snuffed out.

人生由希望和忧愁交织而成。Hopes and fears chequer human life.

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每人都但愿有个高枕而卧的晚年。Everyone hopes for a secure old age.

我体会过许多一闪而过的希望。Many of those dashed hopes I shared.

这项研究的目的是让街道更安全。In the hopes of making streets safer.