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我同去不会惹人讨厌。My society would not be disagreeable.

他发现这位合股人很难相处。He found his partner to be very disagreeable.

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我的易怒是我最不爽的缺点之一。One of my more disagreeable faults is my irritability.

我护罚份顾莓该逢双抚晶们请她帮忙时,她总是那么不友好。She is always so disagreeable when we ask her to help.

可是你怎么会跟我们说他十分讨厌呢?But how came you to tell us that he was so disagreeable?

糖浆会结块并且飞溅起来,这通常让人恼火。It may seize up and spatter and generally be disagreeable.

好言一句三冬暖,话不投机六月寒。Fine words make winter warm, disagreeable ones make summer chilly.

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但是拇指姑娘哭了起来,说她不愿意和这讨厌的鼹鼠结婚。Then Tiny wept, and said she would not marry the disagreeable mole.

它包括接受新的观点,有时甚至是不愿接受的观点的能力。It includes an ability to accept new and sometimes even disagreeable ideas.

但有些标题会使你显得预备不敷、过于心急或令人生厌。But some questions can make you seem ill-prepared, overeager or disagreeable.

而且,他们不知道他那君王式的性格是多么令人讨厌。Then they don't understand just how disagreeable his Majesty's personality is.

鸡屎很难闻,而且刺激喉咙,这是因为含有氨水的缘故。Chicken shit is disagreeable and rasps the throat because of the quantity of ammonia.

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这种预感使他感到极不愉快,虽然他知道这是无法避免的事情。And the presentiment of all that was disagreeable to him, though he knew it to be inevitable.

对另一些人而言,摩加迪沙太过混乱不堪,于是他们大多数时间里都在国外。Others find dusty, dangerousMogadishuso disagreeable that they spend much of their time abroad.

有人认为,这表示要「容忍别人身上一切不惬你意的东西」。Someone has said this means 'Lovingly putting up with all that is disagreeable in other people'.

丽萃,我很对不起你,逼你去跟那个讨厌的人在一起,你可不要计较。I am quite sorry, Lizzy, that you should be forced to have that disagreeable man all to yourself.

住惯了诺桑觉寺这样的家,再来到一座普普通通的牧师住宅,一定觉得很别扭。After being used to such a home as the abbey, an ordinary parsonage-house must be very disagreeable.

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拉什沃思先生的外表没有令人生厌的地方,托马斯爵士已经喜欢上他了。There was nothing disagreeable in Mr. Rushworth's appearance, and Sir Thomas was liking him already.

惠琳与惠瑜在寺内吃了三天斋菜,因没钱添乡油遭白眼。HuiLin HuiYu in temple to eat diet food for three days, because of no money disagreeable township oil.

正是因为大家总想把不愉快的事藏在心里,所以才会很难真正快乐起来。None other than people always store the disagreeable things in heart, so it's hard to cheer up in deed.