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我们应该对一致性和失去独特性做些什麽?What shall we do about conformity and dehumanization?

但是,如果说话受到限制,“那几乎构成了剥夺人权的问题。”But when conversations are restricted, “ there's almost an issue of dehumanization.

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人性异化是现代西方悲剧之源。残酷是生命的本质。Dehumanization is the source of modern Western tragedy, and cruelty is the nature of life.

去人性化的后果是给虐待、背弃、和侵犯孤独症人士人权等行为提供了借口。Dehumanization makes it all too easy to justify abuse, neglect, and violation of human rights.

对艺术“非人化”的美学阐释在不同的视界中折射出不同的内涵。Different connotations can be presented in different aesthetic explanations to "dehumanization".

将人们降低为仅仅物质化的实物,只不过通往非人化的另一个台阶。The reduction of people to material objects is merely another step down in the process of dehumanization.

这种思维的底线不只是无知与怀疑,而是最终使我们失去人性。The bottom line of such an approach is not merely ignorance and skepticism, but the ultimate dehumanization of persons.

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对敌人的建构包括两个方面,即对敌人的抽象化与非人化,对自身国家的拟人化。S. To construct an enemy includes two dimensions, abstraction and dehumanization of the enemy, and personification of the nation.

爱伦‧坡对民主心怀贵族式的厌恶感,热衷于诡异人物和非人性的主题,但仍不失其美国特性。But Poe is not un-American, despite his aristocratic disgust with democracy, preference for the exotic, and themes of dehumanization.

人性化与去人性化是西方心理学对待人性问题的两种对立态度和取向。This paper explores the two opposite attitudes which are humanization and dehumanization about human nature problem in western psychology.

“非人化”是现代主义艺术,尤其是各种先锋派艺术的一个根本特征,它根源于审美现代性之“自反性”悖论。"Dehumanization" is a basic feature of modern art, especially various avant-guard style arts. It originates in "reflexive" of aesthetic modernity.

而这些系统,正是美国公司们与供应商沆瀣一气批准上马的。What was shocking to me was the level of dehumanization built into the systems that have been put into place by American corporations in collusion with suppliers.

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八十年代的先锋小说,在进行“非人化”叙事时,人物的主体性非常明显地体现出客体化的倾向。The subjectivity of the character shows the tendency of objectification very obviously when the avantgarde novels during the 1980s' express the dehumanization narration.

让我震惊的是年轻的妻子们在性问题上渐失人性化的处理,她们把这种强大的力量降级为一种无异于开车或喂饲的技巧。What shocks me is the dehumanization of sex by young wives who reduce that powerful force to a technique no different from driving a car or mastering the methods of good grooming.