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希斯罗机场从这个举措中想得到什么呢?What is Heathrow hoping to get out of the scheme?

强风迫使飞机在希思罗机场上空作定高分层盘旋。High winds forced planes to stack up over heathrow airport.

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伦敦希思罗机场,送到北安普顿。Day 1 Arrive London Heathrow Airport. Transfer to Northampton.

身穿蓝色西装、身高两英寸的“托尼”在伦敦希思罗机场迎接巴特·辛普森一家。In blue suit, two-inch Tony meets Bart and family at Heathrow.

他们将在希思罗机场的五角饭店碰面。Their rendezvous would be the Penta Hotel at Heathrow Airport.

离开普利茅斯,前往希斯罗机场,回国。Departure from Plymouth to Heathrow airport, to Jiaxing, China.

乘小巴或出租汽车便可到达希思罗国际机场。Heathrow International Airport is a short bus or taxi ride away.

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这个和希思罗机场所采用的方法是类似的。This is similar to approaches also being considered at Heathrow.

伦敦帕丁顿火车站与伦敦希思罗机场有火车连通。London Paddington has train connections to London Heathrow Airport.

海丽和我在星期日午后在希斯罗机场接到了章瑞虹。Haili and I collected Zhang Ruihong from Heathrow on Sunday afternoon.

我们得从盖特威克机场转到希思罗机场好赶上飞往贝尔法斯特的班机。We had to transfer from Gatwick to Heathrow to catch a plane to Belfast.

希斯鲁机场一向有航班到德里啊,你知道吧?You know that they've got planes at Heathrow that fly to Delhi these days?

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图为贝嫂离开克莱里奇饭店,前往希思罗机场。Victoria Beckham left Claridge's hotel in London, bound for Heathrow Airport.

当他们开车飞速经过希思罗机场时,宾利车里响起了重重的低音节拍。A heavy bass beat began to thump through the Bentley as they sped past Heathrow.

明年,预计会约有50万旅客使用希思罗机场PRT系统。About 500, 000 passengers are expected to use the Heathrow PRT system each year.

这个希思罗的看护中心接收那些没有证明文件的单独的外国儿童。The building houses foreign children who arrive alone at Heathrow without papers.

英国队在飞抵伦敦希斯罗机场时受到热烈的欢迎。Flying into London's Heathrow Airport, Team Great Britain was greeted with cheers.

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这个案件是关于四个武装分子在2004年抢劫了希斯罗机场。The case concerns four men accused of an armed robbery at Heathrow Airport in 2004.

这种每台价值8万英镑的扫描仪曾于2004年在伦敦希思罗机场试行。The scanners, which cost £80,000 each, were also trialed at Heathrow Airport in 2004.

听着MP3,我发现飞机已经在伦敦希斯路机场降落了。Listening to my mp3s, I noticed our plane had already landed at London Heathrow Airport.