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她丰姿绰约。Her manner is graceful.

高的,苗条的,婀娜多姿的。Tall, slender, and graceful.

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富士山形态优美。Mt. Fuji has a graceful shape.

又有花王雍容之大度。Also has peony graceful magnanimous.

她风姿绰约,适合当一名舞蹈演员。She is graceful enough to be a dancer.

飘逸似水,热情如火。Graceful as winding stream, hot as fire.

奥里佛有一只体态优美的猫,叫做葛拉琪亚。Oliver has a graceful cat called Gracia.

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您戴珍珠项链看起来很高雅。You look graceful with this pearl necklace.

用高雅的身姿击败强大的敌人。Defeated a powerful enemy with graceful poise.

他的舞姿雄健优美。His dance movements are vigorous and graceful.

任何一种由滑冰者进行的表演。The graceful skaters were a pleasure to watch.

三个人中我的动作是最优雅的。My movements are the most graceful of us three.

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雪在空中飘舞,明亮而优美。Snow danced in the mid sky, light and graceful.

哭泣的编钟流行,优雅。The rows of weeping BianZhong stream, graceful.

玫瑰里开出你红裙的轻盈。Your graceful skirts are the blooming rose red.

给那件新袍子一个风姿吧。Please give that new garment a graceful bearing.

难道柳条丈夫不高大而优雅吗?Hadn't the wicker husband been tall and graceful?

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进而言之,举止要优雅规范。And then, bearing should be graceful and standard.

她嫁给了安先生,这是一件美事。She has got married to Mr. Ann, which is graceful.

这个动作是这样优雅、这样地充满了慈祥。The action was so graceful and inclusively benign.